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Proteomic Profiling of Detergent Resistant Membranes (Lipid Rafts) of Prostasomes
Authors:Louise Dubois  Karl (K). G?ran Ronquist  Bo Ek  Gunnar Ronquist  Anders Larsson
Affiliation:From the 3Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, 75185 Uppsala, Sweden;;4Department of Analytical Chemistry, Science for Life Laboratory, Uppsala University, 751 24 Uppsala, Sweden
Abstract:Prostasomes are exosomes derived from prostate epithelial cells through exocytosis by multivesicular bodies. Prostasomes have a bilayered membrane and readily interact with sperm. The membrane lipid composition is unusual with a high contribution of sphingomyelin at the expense of phosphatidylcholine and saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids are dominant. Lipid rafts are liquid-ordered domains that are more tightly packed than the surrounding nonraft phase of the bilayer. Lipid rafts are proposed to be highly dynamic, submicroscopic assemblies that float freely within the liquid disordered membrane bilayer and some proteins preferentially partition into the ordered raft domains. We asked the question whether lipid rafts do exist in prostasomes and, if so, which proteins might be associated with them. Prostasomes of density range 1.13–1.19g/ml were subjected to density gradient ultracentrifugation in sucrose fabricated by phosphate buffered saline (PBS) containing 1% Triton X-100 with capacity for banding at 1.10 g/ml, i.e. the classical density of lipid rafts. Prepared prostasomal lipid rafts (by gradient ultracentrifugation) were analyzed by mass spectrometry. The clearly visible band on top of 1.10g/ml sucrose in the Triton X-100 containing gradient was subjected to liquid chromatography-tandem MS and more than 370 lipid raft associated proteins were identified. Several of them were involved in intraluminal vesicle formation, e.g. tetraspanins, ESCRTs, and Ras-related proteins. This is the first comprehensive liquid chromatography-tandem MS profiling of proteins in lipid rafts derived from exosomes. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD002163.Extracellular vesicles (EVs)1 are membrane surrounded structures that exist in all body fluids and all cells studied so far release EVs (1). They are heterogeneous, spherical organelles spanning between 30 to more than 1000 nm in diameter and include exosomes, microvesicles, and apoptotic bodies (2). There is increasing evidence supporting the important role of EVs in cell-to-cell communication by their delivery of proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids from one donor cell to many target cells. The generation of exosomes/prostasomes is a complicated process involving two invagination sessions of biological membranes. The first one comprises the plasma membrane contributing with endocytic vesicles in the formation of early endosomes that mature into late endosomes. The second one starts multiple inward buddings of the late endosomal membrane creating intraluminal vesicles (ILVs) therewith completing formation of multivesicular bodies (MVBs) or storage vesicles (3) thus retaining selected molecules from the maternal cell. Ceramide can induce such formation of small microdomains into larger domains (4). Ceramide is one of two cleavage products of sphingomyelin by sphingomyelinase, the other is phosphocholine (5) and prostasomes contain sphingomyelinase (6). The membrane of MVBs (storage vesicles) may fuse with the plasma membrane of the secretory cell and, in case of prostate epithelial cells, release the intraluminal vesicles as prostasomes to the extracellular space (7, 8). It is noteworthy that the bilayered membrane surrounding prostasomes (after the two sessions of invaginations) should be regarded as “right-side-out” with reference to the plasma membrane. This is illustrated by e.g. Mg2+ and Ca2+ -stimulated ATPase that is an ectoenzyme (9) that is also appearing at the outer surface of prostasomes (10). The corollary is that cell surface interactive molecules like enzymes and receptors may appear also on the membranes of exosomes/prostasomes.The majority of prostasomes ranges in diameter-size from 30–200 nm, with a mean of 142 nm (11). The main purpose of prostasomes may be to transfer newly synthesized proteins from the prostate gland to sperm and thereby, among other things, render them protection in the female genital tract (12, 13). Prostasomal proteins may be transferred to sperm through different mechanisms, viz direct interaction with the sperm membrane (14), fusion at a lowered pH (15), and internalization (16). Prostasomes are immunosuppressive and regulate the complement system and they have proven antioxidant and antibacterial properties (17, 18). Prostasomes contain a surrounding lipid membrane bilayer that exhibits a high cholesterol/phospholipid ratio (19). The lipid composition of the membrane is unusual and among the phospholipids sphingomyelin is the dominant one, contrary to other cell membranes where phosphatidylcholine is most abundant. Prostasomes have a strong contribution of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids (19, 20). These characteristics together with a high cholesterol/phospholipid ratio make the membrane of the prostasome very stable as demonstrated by electron spin resonance (19).In the early 1970s the plasma membrane of the cell was described as a fluid mosaic by Singer and Nicholson (21), but as early as in 1953 Palade claimed that in the bilayered lipid membrane, proposed by Davson and Danielli (22), were areas of different composition, so called caveolae (23). These caveolae are invaginations of the plasma membrane (24). The first hypothesis of lipid rafts (specialized membrane domains enriched in glycosphingolipids, proteins and cholesterol) was brought up in 1988 by van Meer and Simons (25) and was subsequently elaborated in 1997 by Simons and Ikonen (26). Lipid rafts were defined as low density subdomains of the plasma membrane that are resistant to nonionic detergents at a low temperature (27, 28). Fatty acids present in lipid rafts are more saturated, compared with the membrane adjacent to the domains. It means that the fatty acids can be packed more densely and this may lead to phase separation. The abundance of intercalating cholesterol makes the rafts more rigid and less fluid than the rest of the plasma membrane (29). In other words, the membrane can undergo phase separation into co-existing liquid-disordered and liquid-ordered phases. The liquid-ordered phase (the lipid raft) becomes enriched in cholesterol and saturated fatty acids and is characterized by tight lipid packing and reduced molecular diffusion, as we noticed for prostasomes (19).There are two different types of lipid rafts, planar and caveolae. The distinguishing factor is that the caveolae are formed by the protein caveolin whereas the planar rafts lack this protein (30). Instead they contain the protein flotillin (31). Researchers have found that selected proteins localize, and colocalize in lipid rafts (32). Lipid rafts are not anchored at a specific site in the plasma membrane, but float freely. This enables larger and more stable platform domains to aggregate (33). The formed aggregates are involved in many biological functions including endocytosis, cell communication, molecular trafficking, neurotransmission and they could be understood as organizing centers for signaling molecules and receptors (30, 31). When cells are depleted of cholesterol, e.g. by the agent methyl-β-cyclodextrin, formation of caveolae expression and also raft-dependent endocytosis are inhibited (34). This demonstrates the importance of these cholesterol-enriched domains to cell survival. Flotillins are also involved in endocytosis in a process controlled by the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues (35).In this work we asked the question whether lipid rafts do exist in prostasomes and, if so, which proteins might be associated with them. Accordingly, we prepared lipid rafts from human prostasomes in order to characterize their protein content.
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