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Comparative analysis of the reproductive biology of two Peristenus species (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), biological control agents of Lygus plant bugs (Hemiptera: Miridae)
Authors:T. Haye   A.B. Broadbent   J. Whistlecraft  U. Kuhlmann  
Affiliation:aCABI Bioscience Centre, 1 Rue des Grillons, 2800 Delémont, Switzerland;bAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Southern Crop Protection and Food Research Centre, 1391 Sandford Street, London, Ont., Canada N5V 4T3
Abstract:Peristenus digoneutis Loan and Peristenus stygicus Loan, parasitoids of the European tarnished plant bug Lygus rugulipennis Poppius, are established in the United States for biological control of native North American Lygus species, and are being considered for deliberate release in Canada. High lifetime fecundity of parasitoids is considered a desirable attribute of biological control agents and therefore, an understanding of parasitoid reproductive biology is required. In the present study, the potential lifetime fecundity of both agents was compared under laboratory conditions to estimate the potential impact of Peristenus species on Lygus. Synovigenic P. digoneutis and P. stygicus females oviposited most actively in the first two weeks of their lifetime, with a maximum average daily oviposition rate after five days. The maximum number of eggs laid per day was 83 eggs for P. stygicus, and 36 eggs for P. digoneutis. P. digoneutis has an average potential lifetime fecundity of 385 ± 35 SE eggs produced over 22 ± 3 SE days. In contrast, P. stygicus females have a 50% higher mean potential lifetime fecundity reaching 782 ± 65 SE eggs over 28 ± 1 SE days. A positive correlation between lifetime fecundity and body size was found only for P. stygicus, and both species showed a significant relationship between lifetime fecundity and oviposition period. The present study demonstrates that the fecundity of P. digoneutis and P. stygicus is considerably higher than previously reported. Based on these findings, P. stygicus appears to be the most effective biological control agent for Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) when only fecundity is taken into consideration.
Keywords:Peristenus stygicus   Peristenus digoneutis   Lygus lineolaris   Tarnished plant bug   Biological control   Parasitoids   Fecundity
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