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The Scottish Structural Proteomics Facility: targets, methods and outputs
Authors:Muse Oke  Lester G. Carter  Kenneth A. Johnson  Huanting Liu  Stephen A. McMahon  Xuan Yan  Melina Kerou  Nadine D. Weikart  Nadia Kadi  Md. Arif Sheikh  Stefan Schmelz  Mark Dorward  Michal Zawadzki  Christopher Cozens  Helen Falconer  Helen Powers  Ian M. Overton  C. A. Johannes van Niekerk  Xu Peng  Prakash Patel  Roger A. Garrett  David Prangishvili  Catherine H. Botting  Peter J. Coote  David T. F. Dryden  Geoffrey J. Barton  Ulrich Schwarz-Linek  Gregory L. Challis  Garry L. Taylor  Malcolm F. White  James H. Naismith
Affiliation:1. Biomedical Sciences Research Complex, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, KY16 9ST, UK
2. Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Light Source, 2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 69, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA
3. The Norwegian Structural Biology Centre, University of Troms?, 9037, Troms?, Norway
4. Faculty of Chemistry, Technische Universit?t Dortmund, Otto-Hahn-Str. 6, 44227, Dortmund, Germany
5. Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK
6. Institute of Cancer Research, 15 Cotswold Road, Belmont, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 5NG, UK
7. Division of Signal Transduction Therapy, College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee, DD1 5EH, Scotland, UK
8. Syngenta Ltd, Jealott’s Hill International Research Centre, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 6EY, UK
9. Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 0QH, UK
10. Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology, Edinburgh University, Kings Buildings, Edinburgh, EH9 3JR, UK
11. Division of Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery, College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee, DD1 5EH, Scotland, UK
12. MRC Human Genetics Unit, Crewe Road South, Edinburgh, EH4 2XU, UK
13. Department of Biology, Archaea Centre, University of Copenhagen, Ole Maal?es Vej 5, 2200, Copenhagen N, Denmark
14. Institut Pasteur, 25 rue Dr. Roux, 75724, Paris cedex 15, France
15. EaStChem School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, The King’s Buildings, Edinburgh, EH9 3JJ, UK
Abstract:The Scottish Structural Proteomics Facility was funded to develop a laboratory scale approach to high throughput structure determination. The effort was successful in that over 40 structures were determined. These structures and the methods harnessed to obtain them are reported here. This report reflects on the value of automation but also on the continued requirement for a high degree of scientific and technical expertise. The efficiency of the process poses challenges to the current paradigm of structural analysis and publication. In the 5 year period we published ten peer-reviewed papers reporting structural data arising from the pipeline. Nevertheless, the number of structures solved exceeded our ability to analyse and publish each new finding. By reporting the experimental details and depositing the structures we hope to maximize the impact of the project by allowing others to follow up the relevant biology.
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