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Fusarinines and dimerum acid, mono- and dihydroxamate siderophores from Penicillium chrysogenum, improve iron utilization by strategy I and strategy II plants
Authors:Wolfgang Hördt  Volker Römheld  Günther Winkelmann
Affiliation:Institut für Pflanzenern?hrung, Universit?t Hohenheim, Germany.
Abstract:Cucumber, as a strategy I plant, and Maize as a strategy II plant, were cultivated in hydroponic culture in the presence of a ferrated siderophore mixture (1 mgrM) from a culture of Penicillium chrysogenumisolated from soil. The siderophore mixture significantly improved the iron status of these plants as measured by chlorophyll concentration to the same degree as a 100-fold higher FeEDTA supply. Analysis of the siderophore mixture from P. chrysogenum by HPLC and electrospray mass spectrometry revealed that besides the trihydroxamates, coprogen and ferricrocin, large amounts of dimerum acid and fusarinines were present which represent precursor siderophores or breakdown products of coprogen. In order to prove the iron donor properties of dimerum acid and fusarinines for plants, purified coprogen was hydrolyzed with ammonia and the hydrolysis products consisting of dimerum acid and fusarinine were used for iron uptake by cucumber and maize. In short term experiments radioactive iron uptake and translocation rates were determined using ferrioxamine B, coprogen and hydrolysis products of coprogen. While the trihydroxamates revealed negligible or intermediate iron uptake rates by both plant species, the fungal siderophore mixture and the ammoniacal hydrolysis products of coprogen showed high iron uptake, suggesting that dimerum acid and fusarinines are very efficient iron sources for plants. Iron reduction assays using cucumber roots or ascorbic acid also showed that iron bound to hydrolysis products of coprogen was more easily reduced compared to iron bound to trihydroxamates. Ligand exchange studies with epi-hydroxymugineic acid and EDTA showed that iron was easily exchanged between coprogen hydrolysis products and phytosiderophores or EDTA. The results indicate that coprogen hydrolysis products are an excellent source for Fe nutrition of plants.
Keywords:iron  siderophores  coprogen  plant nutrition  Penicillium chrysogenum
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