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Expression of the Clostridium botulinum A2 Neurotoxin Gene Cluster Proteins and Characterization of the A2 Complex
Authors:Guangyun Lin  William H. Tepp  Christina L. Pier  Mark J. Jacobson  Eric A. Johnson
Affiliation:Department of Bacteriology, Food Research Institute, University of Wisconsin—Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Abstract:Clostridium botulinum subtype A2 possesses a botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) gene cluster consisting of an orfX cluster containing open reading frames (ORFs) of unknown functions. To better understand the association between the BoNT/A2 complex proteins, first, the orfX cluster proteins (ORFX1, ORFX3, P47, and the middle part of NTNH) from C. botulinum A2 strain Kyoto F and NTNH of A1 strain ATCC 3502 were expressed by using either an Escherichia coli or a C. botulinum expression system. Polyclonal antibodies against individual orfX cluster proteins were prepared by immunizing a rabbit and mice against the expressed proteins. Antibodies were then utilized as probes to determine which of the A2 orfX cluster genes were expressed in the native A2 culture. N-terminal protein sequencing was also employed to specifically detect ORFX2. Results showed that all of the neurotoxin cluster proteins, except ORFX1, were expressed in the A2 culture. A BoNT/A2 toxin complex (TC) was purified which showed that C. botulinum A2 formed a medium-size (300-kDa) TC composed of BoNT/A2 and NTNH without any of the other OrfX cluster proteins. NTNH subtype-specific immunoreactivity was also discovered, allowing for the differentiation of subtypes based on cluster proteins associated with BoNT.Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) produced by Clostridium botulinum are the most potent toxins known in nature and are characterized as category A select agents since they are considered potential bioterrorism threats (3). BoNTs can be distinguished immunologically into seven serotypes by using homologous antitoxins, designated A to G. BoNT/A is of particular interest, since it is frequently implicated in cases of botulism and is a significant threat in bioterrorism (1, 10).BoNT is a 150-kDa protein composed of a heavy chain (100 kDa) and a light chain (50 kDa) linked by a disulfide bond and noncovalent molecular interactions (24). The heavy chain (H) has two functional domains, a transmembrane domain and a receptor binding domain. The light chain (L) is a zinc-dependent protease which specifically cleaves one of the three soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors, resulting in the blockage of evoked acetylcholine release at the skeletal neuromuscular junction (8).Previous studies have found that the bont genes of all strains of C. botulinum and neurotoxigenic strains of Clostridium butyricum and Clostridium baratii have a set of genes located upstream of the bont and ntnh genes that are organized as gene clusters (5, 7, 23). The two known primary types of clusters are (i) a hemagglutinin (ha) cluster and (ii) an orfX cluster with open reading frames (ORFs) of unknown functions. The ha cluster consists of genes encoding HA17, HA33, HA70, BotR, and NTNH. The orfX cluster consists of genes encoding ORFX3, ORFX2, ORFX1, P47, P21, and NTNH. Previous studies indicate that BoNT/A subtypes possess either a ha cluster or an orfX cluster associated with their expressed bont gene, depending on the subtype and strain (5, 11, 13-15, 33).It has been shown that the BoNT complex can form stable toxin complexes (TCs) of various sizes, including LL-TC (∼900 kDa), L-TC (∼500 kDa), and M-TC (∼300 kDa) composed of various combinations of HA proteins, NTNH, and BoNT (19, 21, 23, 29, 31, 34). M-TC contains BoNT and NTNH but has no HA proteins, whereas LL-TC and L-TC contain different ratios of the BoNT, NTNH, and HA proteins (21, 22, 29, 34). The biological and structural roles of the complex proteins are not completely characterized, although it has been proposed that they serve the role of protecting BoNT from harsh conditions, including pH, salt, temperature, and digestive enzymes, and that they assist BoNT translocation across the intestinal epithelial layer (2, 6, 17). A recent report indicated that the nontoxic proteins serve as adjuvants and contribute to the immunogenicity of BoNT/A (25).The production of botulinum TCs is known to vary with different serotypes and strains, medium composition, and culture conditions (21, 24, 31). The LL-TC has only been observed in proteolytic strains (group I). Serotype A to D strains produce M-TC and L-TC in their culture medium, while serotype E and F strains produce only M-TC (17, 18).In 1986, a Japanese group isolated four HA-negative C. botulinum strains from infant botulism cases that produced only M-TC (300 kDa). They assigned the strains to subtype A2 (14, 30). In 2004, our laboratory confirmed on a genomic level that the BoNT/A2 subtype contained the orfX cluster instead of the ha cluster (12). Since then, more arrangements and combinations of neurotoxin gene clusters were characterized along with more BoNT subtypes (13, 20, 33). However, the function of the orfX genes and the role of the presumptive protein products and their role in the TCs are still unknown, including whether ORFX proteins can form a TC with the expressed toxin analogous to the ha cluster proteins.In this study, the BoNT/A2 TC was purified from a native culture to determine if the orfX cluster proteins remain associated with BoNT/A2. To better understand the role of the orfX cluster genes, the orfX cluster proteins of C. botulinum A2 strains (ORFX1, ORFX3, P47, and the middle part of NTNH) was expressed using either an Escherichia coli or a C. botulinum expression system in this study. Antibodies against individual expressed orfX cluster proteins were then raised by immunizing a rabbit and mice. These antibodies were then used as probes to investigate the expression pattern of the orfX cluster genes in the native A2 culture. ORFX2, which could not be expressed, was detected by N-terminal protein sequencing.
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