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Distinct Forms of Mitochondrial TOM-TIM Supercomplexes Define Signal-Dependent States of Preprotein Sorting
Authors:Agnieszka Chacinska  Martin van der Laan  Carola S Mehnert  Bernard Guiard  David U Mick  Dana P Hutu  Kaye N Truscott  Nils Wiedemann  Chris Meisinger  Nikolaus Pfanner  Peter Rehling
Abstract:Mitochondrial import of cleavable preproteins occurs at translocation contact sites, where the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM) associates with the presequence translocase of the inner membrane (TIM23) in a supercomplex. Different views exist on the mechanism of how TIM23 mediates preprotein sorting to either the matrix or inner membrane. On the one hand, two TIM23 forms were proposed, a matrix transport form containing the presequence translocase-associated motor (PAM; TIM23-PAM) and a sorting form containing Tim21 (TIM23SORT). On the other hand, it was reported that TIM23 and PAM are permanently associated in a single-entity translocase. We have accumulated distinct transport intermediates of preproteins to analyze the translocases in their active, preprotein-carrying state. We identified two different forms of active TOM-TIM23 supercomplexes, TOM-TIM23SORT and TOM-TIM23-PAM. These two supercomplexes do not represent separate pathways but are in dynamic exchange during preprotein translocation and sorting. Depending on the signals of the preproteins, switches between the different forms of supercomplex and TIM23 are required for the completion of preprotein import.The majority of mitochondrial proteins are nuclear encoded and posttranslationally transported into the organelle. A major class of mitochondrial proteins possess cleavable targeting signals at their amino termini, so-called presequences (5, 9, 12, 19, 30, 32). These α-helical segments are positively charged and direct the proteins across the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes toward the matrix space, where the presequences are proteolytically removed. However, a number of proteins of the inner mitochondrial membrane, among them subunits of the respiratory chain complexes, also utilize presequences as targeting signals. In addition to the presequence, they contain a hydrophobic sorting signal, which arrests precursor translocation across the inner membrane and mediates the lateral release of the polypeptide into the lipid phase (16, 30). In some cases, the membrane-inserted precursors undergo a second processing event by the inner membrane protease that cleaves behind the sorting signal and therefore leads to the release of the protein into the intermembrane space (25, 30, 31). Thus, a large variety of proteins destined for three different intramitochondrial compartments use presequences as the primary signal for transport.Cleavable preproteins initially enter mitochondria via the TOM complex and are translocated into or across the inner membrane by the TIM23 complex. The TIM23 complex consists of four integral membrane proteins, Tim23, Tim17, Tim50, and Tim21. Tim23 forms the protein-conducting channel of the translocase and is tightly associated with Tim17 (8, 26, 43). Tim50 acts as a regulator for the Tim23 channel and is involved in early steps of precursor transfer from the outer to the inner membranes (23, 29, 41). Tim21 transiently interacts with the TOM complex via binding to the intermembrane space domain of Tom22. This interaction promotes the release of presequences from Tom22 for their further transfer to the Tim23 channel (4). For full matrix translocation of preproteins, the TIM23 complex cooperates with PAM. The central subunit of PAM is mtHsp70, which undergoes ATP-dependent cycles of preprotein binding and release to promote polypeptide movement toward the matrix. The activity of mtHsp70 in the translocation process is regulated by four membrane-bound cochaperones, Tim44, the J complex Pam18/Pam16 (Tim14/Tim16), and Pam17. Tim44 provides a binding site for preproteins and mtHsp70 close to the Tim23 channel (1, 17, 22, 36). The J protein Pam18 stimulates the ATPase activity of mtHsp70 (10, 44), whereas the J-related protein Pam16 controls the activity of Pam18 (11, 13, 20). Pam17 plays an organizing role in the TIM23-PAM cooperation (33, 45).The following two different views on the organization of the presequence transport machinery are currently discussed. (i) The TIM23 complex and PAM were proposed to exist in different modular states, termed TIM23SORT and TIM23-PAM. The TIM23CORE complex, consisting of Tim23, Tim17 and Tim50, associates with either Tim21 or the subunits of PAM (4, 47, 51). The Tim21-containing form is termed TIM23SORT since this motor-free form was isolated and shown to mediate membrane insertion of sorted preproteins upon reconstitution (46). The TIM23-PAM form (lacking Tim21) is crucial for mtHsp70-driven preprotein translocation into the matrix (4). (ii) On the other hand, it was proposed that presequence translocase and import motor form a single structural and functional entity. Thus, membrane-integrated TIM23 and import motor would always remain in one complex. This model implies that a motor-free form of the TIM23 complex should not exist (27, 33, 42).To decide between the different views, it is necessary to analyze translocase and motor in their active form, i.e., during their engagement with preproteins. Moreover, the model of modular forms of TIM23 and PAM raises the question whether two strictly separate TIM23 pathways for inner membrane sorting and matrix translocation exist or whether an exchange between the different forms of the presequence translocase occurs. To date, the majority of experimental studies have been performed with the translocases in an inactive, i.e., preprotein-free, state. Studies using preproteins in transit provided only limited information so far and thus did not resolve the controversy, as follows. (i) Mokranjac and Neupert (27) questioned if the in vitro preprotein insertion by purified TIM23SORT in a proteoliposome assay (46) reflected the in organello situation in intact mitochondria. (ii) Popov-Celeketic et al. (33) accumulated a matrix-targeted preprotein in mitochondrial import sites in vivo and performed pulldown experiments. They copurified TIM23, PAM, and Tim21 and thus concluded that the TIM23 and motor subunits formed a single entity. They did not address the possibility that the accumulated preprotein was associated with different pools of translocase complexes. (iii) Wiedemann et al. (51) made use of the observation that TIM23SORT associates with the respiratory chain (47). They reported a copurification of inner membrane-sorted preproteins and matrix-targeted preproteins with respiratory chain complexes. This observation raised the possibility that the pathways for inner membrane sorting and matrix translocation are connected at least at the level of respiratory chain interaction; however, the composition of the TIM23 complexes was not analyzed.For this study, we used preproteins with variations in the intramitochondrial sorting signal to monitor the active, preprotein-carrying translocases at distinct stages of mitochondrial import. We observed different forms of active translocases on the presequence pathway. The sorting signals of the preproteins are critical for the selection of specific translocase forms. The motor and sorting forms of the TIM23 complex can be isolated as separate entities in support of the modular model. However, the different TIM23 forms are not permanently separated during preprotein import, but a dynamic exchange between the forms takes place for both matrix-targeted preproteins and inner membrane-sorted preproteins.
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