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Multigeneration exposure test of Drosophila melanogaster to ELF magnetic fields
Authors:Takehiko Kikuchi  Masahiro Ogawa  Yoshihisa Otaka  Masako Furuta
Abstract:Mutations, other than dominant lethals, were accumulated on wild type second chromosomes (+) of Drosophila melanogaster during exposure to 50 Hz sinusoidal alternating magnetic fields of 0.5 or 5 mT (rms) for 40 generations by the Curly/Plum(Cy/Pm) accumulation method. We maintained, for 40 generations under continuous exposure, each (+) chromosome as a heterozygote with (Cy) chromosome. Viability of the (+) chromosome was tested by sib-mating of (Cy/+) male and (Cy/+) female in a culture every 10th generation to obtain the homozygote. Viability indices, defined as twice the ratio of number of (+/+) flies to that of (Cy/+) flies plus 1 in the progeny of the test mating, also were calculated, which equaled 1.00 at the starting point. For the control and 0.5 and 5 mT exposed groups, percent frequencies of recessive lethal lines, defined as a line with (+/+) flies less than 0.3% in the test mating, were, respectively, 1.9, 0.9, and 2.9% (10th), 9.0, 4.9, and 9.5% (20th), 30.3, 22.9, and 30.4% (30th), and 39.9, 32.4, and 43.3% (40th generation). For the control and 0.5 and 5 mT groups, average viability indices, excluding lethals and markedly deleterious, were, respectively, 0.778, 0.796, and 0.752 (20th), 0.704, 0.698, and 0.694 (30th), and 0.669, 0.678, and 0.595 (40th generation). Their decreasing rates were 0.0054, 0.0059, and 0.0078 per generation. No significant difference was detected among the exposure levels in either the recessive lethal mutation frequency or the viability index. Bioelectromagnetics 19:335–340, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Keywords:Curly/Plum accumulation method  non-lethal mutation  recessive lethal mutation  second chromosome  viability
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