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The most frequent chromosomal abnormalities in karyotypes of patients with reproductive problems
Authors:Tavokina L V  Baronova E V  Sopko N I
Abstract:Results of cytogenetic and molecular-cytogenetic inspection of 210 matrimonial pairs with the problems of reproduction are presented. Different types of chromosomal aberrations have been detected in the karyotypes of the patients in 46 (10.95%) cases. Such structural chromosomal aberrations as pericentric inversions, Robertsonian translocations, balanced reciprocal translocations, and marker chromosomes as well prevailed the numerical chromosomal aberrations (89.13% and 10.87% cases accordingly). In the general group of the inspected patients there were 19 cases (4.52%) characterized by the low level of X and Y chromosome mosaicism. The authors suppose that the patients with the exposed chromosomal abnormalities need the differentiated approach at their treatment.
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