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Causes and consequences of thermal tolerance limits in rocky intertidal porcelain crabs, genus petrolisthes
Authors:Stillman Jonathon H
Institution:1 Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University, Oceanview Blvd., Pacific Grove, California 93950
Abstract:Vertical zonation of intertidal organisms, from the shallowsubtidal to the supralittoral zones, is a ubiquitous featureof temperate and tropical rocky shores. Organisms that livehigher on the shore experience larger daily and seasonal fluctuationsin microhabitat conditions, due to their greater exposure toterrestrial conditions during emersion. Comparative analysesof the adaptive linkage between physiological tolerance limitsand vertical distribution are the most powerful when the studyspecies are closely related and occur in discrete vertical zonesthroughout the intertidal range. Here, I summarize work on thephysiological tolerance limits of rocky intertidal zone porcelaincrab species of the genus Petrolisthes to emersion-related heatstress. In the eastern Pacific, Petrolisthes species live throughouttemperate and tropical regions, and are found in discrete verticalintertidal zones in each region. Whole organism thermal tolerancelimits of Petrolisthes species, and thermal limits of heartand nerve function reflect microhabitat conditions. Speciesliving higher in the intertidal zone are more eurythermal thanlow-intertidal congeners, tropical species have the highestthermal limits, and the differences in thermal tolerance betweenlow- and high-intertidal species is greatest for temperate crabs.Acclimation of thermal limits of high-intertidal species isrestricted as compared to low-intertidal species. Thus, becausethermal limits of high-intertidal species are near current habitattemperature maxima, global warming could most strongly impactintertidal species.
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