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Antitranspirant Activity in Xylem Sap of Maize Plants
Abstract:Xylem sap from unwatered maize plants was collected and testedfor antitranspirant activity. Two assays were used. These werea transpiration assay with detached wheat leaves and a stomatalbio-assay involving the direct microscopic observation of epidermisof Commelina communis. The reduction in transpiration of detached wheat leaves promotedby xylem sap could be duplicated almost exactly by the applicationof solutions of ABA of equivalent concentration to that foundin the xylem sap. Removal of virtually all the ABA from thexylem sap, using an immunoaffinity column, removed virtuallyall the antitranspirant activity in both assays. These results are discussed in the context of other resultswhich suggest the presence of as-yet unidentified inhibitorsin the xylem sap of unwatered plants. We suggest that with maize plants at least, stomatal responsesto soil drying can be entirely explained by enhanced concentrationof ABA in the xylem stream. Key words: Antitranspirant activity, ABA, ABA bio-assay, xylem sap
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