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The biology of colicin M
Authors:Robin E. Harkness,Tobias Ö  lschlä  ger
Affiliation:Mikrobiologie II, Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, F.R.G.
Abstract:Abstract This communication summarizes our present knowledge of colicin M, an unusual member of the colicin group. The gene encoding colicin M, cma , has been sequenced and the protein isolated and purified. With a deduced molecular size of 29 453 Da, colicin M is the smallest of the known colicins. The polypeptide can be divided into functional domains for cell surface receptor binding, uptake into the cell, and killing activity. To kill, the colicin must enter from outside the cell. Colicin M blocks the biosynthesis of both peptidoglycan and O-antigen by inhibiting regeneration of the bactoprenyl-P carrier lipid. Autolysis occurs as a secondary effect following inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis. Colicin M is the only colicin known to have such a mechanism of action. Immunity to this colicin is mediated by the cmi gene product, a protein of 13 890 Da. This cytoplasmic membrane protein confers immunity by binding to and thus neutralizing the colicin. Cmi shares properties with both immunity proteins of the pore-forming and the cytoplasmically active colicins. Genes for the colicin and immunity protein are found next to each other, but in opposite orientation, on pColM plasmids. The mechanism of colicin M release is not known.
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