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Acquiring new information in a neuronal network: from Hebb's concept to homeostatic plasticity
Authors:Le Roux Nicolas  Amar Muriel  Fossier Philippe
Affiliation:CNRS, Institut de Neurobiologie Alfred Fessard - FRC2118, Laboratoire de Neurobiologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire - UPR9040, 91198 Gif sur Yvette, France. leroux@nbcm.cnrs-gif.fr
Abstract:Synaptic plasticity is the cellular mechanism underlying the phenomena of learning and memory. Much of the research on synaptic plasticity is based on the postulate of Hebb (1949) who proposed that, when a neuron repeatedly takes part in the activation of another neuron, the efficacy of the connections between these neurons is increased. Plasticity has been extensively studied, and often demonstrated through the processes of LTP (Long Term Potentiation) and LTD (Long Term Depression), which represent an increase and a decrease of the efficacy of long-term synaptic transmission. This review summarizes current knowledge concerning the cellular mechanisms of LTP and LTD, whether at the level of excitatory synapses, which have been the most studied, or at the level of inhibitory synapses. However, if we consider neuronal networks rather than the individual synapses, the consequences of synaptic plasticity need to be considered on a large scale to determine if the activity of networks are changed or not. Homeostatic plasticity takes into account the mechanisms which control the efficacy of synaptic transmission for all the synaptic inputs of a neuron. Consequently, this new concept deals with the coordinated activity of excitatory and inhibitory networks afferent to a neuron which maintain a controlled level of excitability during the acquisition of new information related to the potentiation or to the depression of synaptic efficacy. We propose that the protocols of stimulation used to induce plasticity at the synaptic level set up a "homeostatic potentiation" or a "homeostatic depression" of excitation and inhibition at the level of the neuronal networks. The coordination between excitatory and inhibitory circuits allows the neuronal networks to preserve a level of stable activity, thus avoiding episodes of hyper- or hypo-activity during the learning and memory phases.
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