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Relationship between photosynthetic carbon metabolism and essential oil biogenesis in peppermint under Mn-stress
Authors:Srivastava, N.K.   Luthra, R.
Abstract:Changes in growth and yield parameters, and 14CO2 and (U-14C)sucrose incorporation into the primary metabolic pool, and essentialoil have been investigated under Mn-deficiency and subsequentrecovery in Mentha piperita, grown in solution culture. UnderMn-deficiency, CO2 exchange rate, total chlorophyll, total assimilatoryarea, plant dry weight, and essential oil yield were significantlyreduced, whereas chlorophyll a/b ratio, leaf area ratio andleaf stem ratio significantly increased. In leaves of Mn-deficientplants, 14CO2 incorporation into the primary metabolic pool(ethanol-soluble and -insoluble) and essential oil were significantlylower, whereas (U-14C) sucrose incorporation into these componentswas significantly higher as compared to the control. Among theprimary metabolites, the label was maximum in sugars, followedby organic acids and amino acids. A higher label in these metaboliteswas, in general, observed in stems of Mn-deficient plants ascompared to the control. Mn-deficient plants supplied with completenutrient medium for 3 weeks exhibited partial recovery in growthand yield parameters, and essential oil biogenesis. Thus, underMn-deficiency and subsequent recovery, the levels of primaryphotosynthetic metabolites and their partitioning between leafand stem significantly influence essential oil biogenesis. Key words: Mentha piperita, Mn-stress, 14CO2 and [U-14C] sucrose incorporation, oil accumulation, primary photosynthetic metabolites
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