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Production of dissolved organic carbon in phyloplankton cultures as measured by high-temperature catalytic oxidation and ultraviolet photo-oxidation methods
Authors:Chen, Wenhao   Wangersky, Peter J.
Affiliation:Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4J1, Canada 1Present address: School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria PO Box 1700, Victoria, BC, V8W 2Y2, Canada
Abstract:The production of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in culturesof the diatoms Chaetoceros gracilis and Phaeodactylum tricornutum,the flagellate Isochrysis galbana, the dinoflagellate Alexandriumtamarense and a natural algal assemblage from the NorthwestArm, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, was followed using a high-temperaturecatalytic oxidation (HTCO) and a UV photo-oxidation method.Molecular weight fractionation of the DOC was performed fortwo cultures: C.gracilis and I.galbana. While the DOC in theculture medium increased significantly during log-phase growthfor all organisms except the dinoflagellate, this increase wasproportional to the increase in cell numbers; the increase inDOC per cell was either small or zero. In all cultures, maximumrelease took place during stationary and senescent phases, usuallyafter cell numbers had started to decrease. In both C.gracilisand I.galbana, a major portion (>65%) of the organic matterreleased to the medium during log-phase growth had mol. wtsof <10 000 Da. The increase in DOC in the I.galbana culturein stationary and senescent phases was due to the release ofhigh-molecular-weight materials. The differences in extracellularrelease of DOC between species and between different growthstages in the same species suggest that both the species compositionand physiological state of phytoplankton populations must beknown before interpretations and predictions based on fielddata can be made. In order to determine whether the differencesin DOC values found by the HTCO and UV oxidation methods arecaused by the resistance to UV oxidation of some compounds producedby phytoplankton, rather than by less than optimum efficiencyof the UV unit used, standards must be based on naturally occurringcompounds, rather than the pure compounds normally used.
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