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Tetravalent Vanadium Releases Ferritin Iron which Stimulates Vanadium-Dependent Lipid Peroxidation
Authors:Hugo P. Monteiro   Christine C. Winterbourn  Arnold Stern
Affiliation: a Department of Pharmacology., New York University Medical Center., New York, NY, USAb Department of Pathology, Christchurch School of Medicine, Christchurch, New Zealand
Abstract:The iron storage protein, ferritin, represents a possible source of iron for oxidative reactions in biological systems. It has been shown that superoxide and several xenobiotic free radicals can release iron from ferritin by a reductive mechanism. Tetravalent vanadium (vanadyl) reacts with oxygen to generate superoxide and pentavalent vanadium (vanadate). This led to the hypothesis that vanadyl causes the release of iron from ferritin. Therefore, the ability of vanadyl and vanadate to release iron from ferritin was investigated. Iron release was measured by monitoring the generation of the Fe2+-fcrrozine complex. It was found that vanadyl but not vanadate was able to mobilize ferritin iron in a concentration dependent fashion. Initial rates. and iron release over 30 minutes. were unaffected by the addition of superoxide dismutase. Glutathione or vanadate added in relative excess to the concentration of vanadyl, inhibited iron release up to 45%. Addition of ferritin at the concentration used for measuring iron release prevented vanddyl-induced NADH oxidation. Vanadyl promoted lipid peroxidation in phospholipid liposomes. Addition of ferritin to the system stimulated lipid peroxidation up to 50% above that with vanadyl alone. Fcrritin alone did not promote significant levels of lipid peroxidation.
Keywords:Vanadium  Ferritin  Iron  lipid peroxidation
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