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Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Endogenous Jasmonic Acid in Bulbing and Non-Bulbing Onion Plants
Authors:Nojiri, Hideaki   Yamane, Hisakazu   Seto, Hideharu   Yamaguchi, Isomaro   Murofushi, Noboru   Yoshihara, Teruhiko   Shibaoka, Hiroh
Affiliation:1 Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Tokyo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113 Japan
2 The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research Hirosawa, Wako-shi, Saitama, 351-01 Japan
3 Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Hokkaido University Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido, 060 Japan
4 Department of Biology, Osaka University Toyonaka-shi, Osaka, 560 Japan
Abstract:Bulb development in onion plants (Allium cepa L.) is consideredto be regulated by bulbing and anti-bulbing hormones. Sincebulbing involves the disruption of microtubules, both jasmonicacid (JA) and methyl jasmonate (JAMe) are candidates for thebulbing hormone because of their microtubule-disrupting activitiesand wide distribution in higher plants. To survey JA and JAMein onion plants, we developed a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for JAMethat is sensitive enough to detect femtomole amounts of JAMe.Using this RIA, we detected JA in leaf blades, leaf sheathsand roots of onion plants, but no JAMe was detected in any tissue.The endogenous levels of JA in leaf blades, leaf sheaths androots of 4-week-old bulbing and non-bulbing onion plants weredetermined by gas chromatography/selected ion monitoring with[2H2]JA as an internal standard. The amount of JA per plantin leaf sheaths of bulbing onion plants was about three timeshigher than that of non-bulbing onion plants, although the differencein levels of JA in leaf blades between bulbing and non-bulbingonion plants was quite small, and the level of JA in roots ofbulbing onion plants was lower than that of non-bulbing onionplants. However, the relationship between endogenous JA andthe development of onion bulbs remains to be clarified. (Received June 3, 1992; Accepted October 1, 1992)
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