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Vacuum‐Assisted Growth of Low‐Bandgap Thin Films (FA0.8MA0.2Sn0.5Pb0.5I3) for All‐Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells
Authors:Bahram Abdollahi Nejand  Ihteaz M. Hossain  Marius Jakoby  Somayeh Moghadamzadeh  Tobias Abzieher  Saba Gharibzadeh  Jonas A. Schwenzer  Pariya Nazari  Fabian Schackmar  Dirk Hauschild  Lothar Weinhardt  Uli Lemmer  Bryce S. Richards  Ian A. Howard  Ulrich W. Paetzold
Abstract:All‐perovskite multijunction photovoltaics, combining a wide‐bandgap (WBG) perovskite top solar cell (EG ≈1.6–1.8 eV) with a low‐bandgap (LBG) perovskite bottom solar cell (EG < 1.3 eV), promise power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) >33%. While the research on WBG perovskite solar cells has advanced rapidly over the past decade, LBG perovskite solar cells lack PCE as well as stability. In this work, vacuum‐assisted growth control (VAGC) of solution‐processed LBG perovskite thin films based on mixed Sn–Pb perovskite compositions is reported. The reported perovskite thin films processed by VAGC exhibit large columnar crystals. Compared to the well‐established processing of LBG perovskites via antisolvent deposition, the VAGC approach results in a significantly enhanced charge‐carrier lifetime. The improved optoelectronic characteristics enable high‐performance LBG perovskite solar cells (1.27 eV) with PCEs up to 18.2% as well as very efficient four‐terminal all‐perovskite tandem solar cells with PCEs up to 23%. Moreover, VAGC leads to promising reproducibility and potential in the fabrication of larger active‐area solar cells up to 1 cm2.
Keywords:all‐perovskite tandem solar cells  large grain  low‐bandgap perovskites  solar cells  vacuum‐assisted growth control
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