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The ecology of ruffe,Gymnocephalus cernuus (Pisces: Percidae) introduced to Mildevatn,western Norway
Authors:Steinar Kålås
Affiliation:(1) Department of Animal Ecology, Institute of Zoology, University of Bergen, Allègaten 41, N-5007 Bergen, Norway
Abstract:Synopsis Diet, habitat use, diel and seasonal activity and a number of population parameters were studied on ruffe,Gymnocephalus cernuus, introduced to Mildevatn, western Norway. This lake is sited outside the natural range of the ruffe and has a lower fish diversity and a different fish species composition than within its native range. From June through September the ruffe was planktivorous and mainly caught at 4 to 6 m depth in the benthic zone. At other times of year ruffe was feeding on zoobenthos and caught deeper in the benthic zone. Ruffe was mainly day active. Zooplankton feeding during summer is the clearest difference compared to ruffe populations living within its natural range. Presence of large zooplankton organisms available for ruffe is suggested as the main reason for the difference found in food choice. The availability of large zooplankton is probably due to community structure caused by a predator and lack of interspecific competition for zooplankton in the deeper parts of the lake. Piscivorous brown trout.Salmo trutta, restrict the habitat of threespined stickleback,Gasterosteus aculeatus, to the zone of littoral vegetation, allowing high densities of larger zooplankton species likeBythotrephes longimanus to be present in the lake. Brown trout is present only in the upper light and well oxygenated parts of the lake, leaving a refuge for the ruffe, where they can feed on the rich zooplankton community.
Keywords:Activity  Brown trout   Bythotrephes longimanus   Crucian carp  Diet  Fish community  Habitat use  Niche shift  Predation risk  Threespined sticklebacks  Lake
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