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A new mangrove-dwelling nemertean from China
Authors:Shichun  Sun
Affiliation:(1) Mariculture Research Lab, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao, 266003, China
Abstract:Nemertean specimens were collected from the mangrove zone in the estuary of Jiulong Jiang River. Histological studies revealed that they belong to genus Pantinonemertes but differed from the known taxa of the genus. In the present paper they are described as a new species, Pantinonemertes fujianensis sp. nov. The immature specimens, with the body rounded anteriorly and somewhat dorso-ventrally flattened in intestinal region, measured about 85–120 mm long and 1.5–2.0 mm wide. Dark pigment is concentrated along the mid-dorsal line to form a longitudinal stripe that extends for most of the body length. The head possesses a pair of horizontal longitudinal furrows, a pair of oblique lateral furrows and four eyes. A precerebral septum is absent. The proboscis is well developed and possesses 19 large proboscis nerves. The frontal organ is a well-developed tubular structure, with the epithelium regionally differentiated. Cephalic glands are extensive, consisting of faintly stained small glands that open into the frontal organ, large blocks of clear gland and orange-staining glands (stained with Mallory triple method) that open through the ducts penetrating the body wall. The excretory system consists of numerous binucleate flame cells especially in the anterior body region, each flame cell possesses 7–9 transverse cuticular support rings. Excretory tubules either open to exterior via the efferent ducts penetrating the body wall or open into the frontal organ. Lateral nerve cords are without accessory lateral nerves.
Keywords:Monostilifera  Prosorhochmidae  Pantinonemertes fujianensis sp. nov
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