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Biosynthesis of Callose and Cellulose by Detergent Extracts of Tobacco Cell Membranes and Quantification of the Polymers Synthesized in vitro
Authors:Carolina Cifuentes  Vincent Bulone    Anne Mie C. Emons   Laboratory of Plant Cell Biology  Wageningen University  Droevendaalsesteeg     PB Wageningen  The Netherl  s Division of Glycoscience  School of Biotechnology  Royal Institute of Technology  AlbaNova University Center  SE- Stockholm  Sweden
Affiliation:Carolina Cifuentes1,Vincent Bulone2 , Anne Mie C. Emons1,3 1Laboratory of Plant Cell Biology,Wageningen University,Droevendaalsesteeg,1,6708 PB Wageningen,The Netherl,s 2Division of Glycoscience,School of Biotechnology,Royal Institute of Technology,AlbaNova University Center,SE-106 91 Stockholm,Sweden 3Department of Biomolecular Systems,FOM Institute for Atomic , Molecular Physics,Science Park 104,1098 SG Amsterdam,The Netherl,s
Abstract:The conditions that favor the in vitro synthesis of cellulose from tobacco BY-2 cell extracts were determined. The procedure leading to the highest yield of cellulose consisted of incubating digitonin extracts of membranes from 11-day-old tobacco BY-2 cells in the presence of 1 mM UDP-glucose, 8 mM Ca2+ and 8 mM Mg2+. Under these conditions, up to nearly 40% of the polysaccharides synthesized in vitro corresponded to cellulose, the other polymer synthesized being callose. Transmission electron microscopy an...
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