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Alternate activity in the synergistic muscles during prolonged low-level contractions
Authors:Tamaki, H.   Kitada, K.   Akamine, T.   Murata, F.   Sakou, T.   Kurata, H.
Abstract:The purpose ofthis study was to investigate the functional interrelationship betweensynergistic muscle activities during low-level fatiguing contractions.Six human subjects performed static and dynamic contractions at anankle joint angle of 110° plantar flexion and within the range of90-110° (anatomic position = 90°) under constant load(10% maximal voluntary contraction) for 210 min. Surfaceelectromyogram records from lateral gastrocnemius (LG), medialgastrocnemius (MG), and soleus (Sol) muscles showed high and silentactivities alternately in the three muscles and a complementary andalternate activity between muscles in the time course. In the secondhalf of all exercise times, the number of changes in activity increasedsignificantly (P < 0.05) in each muscle. The ratios of active to silent periods of electromyogram activity were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in MG (4.5 ± 2.2) and Sol (4.3 ± 2.8) than in the LG(0.4 ± 0.1), but no significant differences were observed betweenMG and Sol. These results suggest that the relativeactivation of synergistic motor pools are not constant during alow-level fatiguing task.

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