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Mating Type Switching in the Tetrapolar Basidiomycete Agrocybe Aegerita
Authors:J. Labarere and T. Noel
Affiliation:Laboratoire de Génétique Moléculaire et Amélioration des Champignons Cultivés, Université de Bordeaux II-INRA, Villenave d'Ornon, France.
Abstract:The study of fruiting in the basidiomycete Agrocybe aegerita has shown that some haploid homokaryotic strains can spontaneously switch their mating specificities at the two unlinked A and B mating type factors. This event causes the dikaryotisation of primary homokaryons without plasmogamy and leads to the differentiation of sporulating fruit-bodies (pseudo-homokaryotic fruiting). For each mating type factor, the genetic analyses have revealed that: (1) parental and switched mating types segregate meiotically as Mendelian markers, (2) a total of six switched mating type factors (two parental and four nonparental) were obtained from a wild strain, (3) most of the nonparental factors have specificities differing from those of a large series of wild factors, (4) strains with the same expressed mating type can generate different specificities, (5) switching is always restricted to the same mating type in a homokaryon, (6) nonparental types can switch again, and (7) meiosis fixes the specificities to which switching can occur. This suggests, for the first time in filamentous fungi, the existence of a mechanism analogous to the mating type switching in yeasts. We hypothese that both A and B mating type regions in A. aegerita are constituted of three loci, one specialized in expression and two other carrying silent information. Mating type switching in homokaryotic strains would occur by copy transposition of silent A and B information into the expression loci. Moreover, we propose that during meiosis the silent loci are substituted by copies of the expressed loci.
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