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引用本文:陈继军,李萍,杨宗才,张世玲,李晓海. 贵州雷公山海南鳽繁殖记录[J]. 动物学杂志, 2020, 55(4): 513-515
作者姓名:陈继军  李萍  杨宗才  张世玲  李晓海
作者单位:贵州雷公山国家级自然保护区管理局 雷山 557199
摘    要:海南鳽(Gorsachius magnificus)隶属于鹈形目(Pelecaniformes)鹭科(Ardeidae),为我国Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物。本文报道了2019年5月至9月海南鳽在贵州雷公山自然保护区干脑村南柳河(26°16’N,108°06’E,海拔771 m)的繁殖情况。海南鳽巢址选择在常绿阔叶林中,营巢于高大、枝叶繁茂、枝桠较多并有很强隐蔽性的阔叶树上。结合发现海南鳽幼鸟在贵州雷公山自然保护区分布区的增加,我们认为在贵州雷公山地区应该至少有1或2个繁殖种群。本次记录是海南鳽在贵州省的首次繁殖记录。

关 键 词:海南鳽  繁殖记录  贵州雷公山自然保护区

Breeding Notes of White-eared Night-heron, Gorsachius magnificus, in Leigongshan National Nature Reserve, Guizhou, China
Abstract:The White-eared Night-heron, Gorsachius magnificus, is listed as the second class of National Protected Wildlife of China. Here we presented the breeding report of the bird in the Leigongshan National Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province of China. On 18 May 2019, a nest was first found by local people during the nest construction period, which was built on Lithocarpus hancei with twigs and about 7 m above the ground. On 24th July, three nestlings were found at nest and all of them successfully fledged on 12th August. On 17th August, they returned to the nest and stayed there until 2nd September. Based on discovery of the bird at other sites in the reserve, we proposed that there might be at least one or two breeding populations of the White-eared Night-heron in Leigongshan area.
Keywords:White-eared Night-heron, Gorsachius magnificus   Breeding   Leigongshan   Guizhou
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