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Chromosome numbers in selected species ofHieracium sect.Alpina (Asteraceae) from Central and eastern Europe
Authors:Patrik Mráz
Affiliation:1. Department of Experimental Botany and Genetics, Faculty of Sciences, P. J. ?afárik University, Mánesova 23, SK-04154, Ko?ice, Slovakia
2. Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 14, SK-84223, Bratislava, Slovakia
Abstract:Chromosome numbers are reported for 15 taxa ofHieracium sect.Alpina (Griseb.)Gremli from Central and eastern Europe (Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine). The mode of reproduction was also studied for some of the taxa. For the first time the chromosome counts of 5 taxa from theHieracium rohacsense group are given:H. rohacsense Kit. (the West Carpathians),H. ratezaticum (Nyár. etZahn)Mráz (the South Carpathians) and a still unnamed taxon of theH. rohacsense group from Mt. Pop Ivan (the East Carpathians) are tetraploid (2n=36);H. rauzense Murr (the Eastern Alps) andH. borsanum Mráz (the East Carpathians) are triploid (2n=27).H. krivanense (Woł. etZahn)Schljakov (the West Carpathians) is tetraploid,H. brevipiliferum Mráz (the South Carpathians) is triploid; these are the first karyological reports of both taxa belonging to theH. fritzei group. The tetraploid chromosome number was revealed for the first time in an unnamed taxon of theH. nigrescens group from the West Carpathians, and inH. nigrescens subsp.koprovanum Rech. f. etZahn. InH. alpinum L. s.str. triploid (2n=27) populations from the West Carpathians and diploid populations (2n=18) from the East Carpathians were confirmed. ForH. halleri Vill. (theH. alpinum group, the West Carpathians) andH. nigrescens Willd. (the West Sudeten), the numbers 2n=27 and 2n=36, respectively were found, which is in accordance with previous data. The triploid level (2n=27) forH. pinetophilum (theH. fritzei group) and the tetraploid level (2n=36) forH. stygium Uechtr. (theH. chlorocephalum group) both from the West Carpathians were confirmed. One new species, onenomen novum and one new combination at the level of species are published in this paper.
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