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Authors:Andrew Storfer  Andrew Sih
Abstract:Predators often feed on prey that show ineffective antipredator behavior. Gene flow among populations may constrain evolution of effective antipredator ability in larvae of the streamside salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, a species that occupies distinctly different habitats with conflicting selection pressures. Some streams are ephemeral, where larvae should be active to feed and reach metamorphosis before stream drying. In contrast, other streams are more permanent and contain pools with predatory fish, where larvae should remain inactive to avoid fish predation. Feeding rates and predator escape behavior were assayed for laboratory-reared larvae from 15 populations. Larval survival was also compared among populations in artificial streams with natural predators. Five populations represented streams subjected to fish predation along a gradient of genetic and geographic isolation from populations without fish; the remaining 10 populations were ephemeral and without fish. Individuals from populations with fish had significantly stronger behavioral responses to fish (i.e., decreased feeding rate associated with the presence of fish and increased escape response) than individuals from fishless populations. Larvae from populations containing fish that were more isolated from fishless populations showed stronger antipredator responses than less isolated populations. Further, larvae from more isolated populations survived longer in the predation experiment, indicating that the behaviors measured were related with survival. These results suggest that gene flow between populations with conflicting selection pressures limits local adaptation in some salamander populations with fish. While previous studies have typically focused on the role of gene flow in pairs of populations, the results of this study suggest that gene flow is acting to swamp local adaptation across several populations.
Keywords:Ambystoma barbouri  gene flow  ineffective antipredator behavior  local adaptation
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