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Retention of lateral motor column neurons during the phase of rapid cell loss after limb amputation in Rana pipiens tadpoles
Authors:N A Kett  E D Pollack
Abstract:Target tissue regulation of naturally occurring neuronal death during development has often been studied by removing a limb bud and then analyzing spinal motor neuron number later in development. The present study focuses on the necessity for limb presence in the initiation of the most rapid phase of cell loss from the lateral motor column (LMC) and in the control of neuron number during this restricted developmental period. Unilateral hindlimb amputation in larval Rana pipiens at the time of onset of rapid LMC cell loss resulted in an unequal, bilateral retention of excess motor neurons (i.e., less cell loss than normally occurs) during this phase. Limb traumatization, with axotomy, also resulted in reduced bilateral LMC cell loss, although to a lesser extent than did amputation. Absence of the limb or axonal transection presumably prevents the communication of motor neurons with their differentiating targets and thus interferes with the flow of information required for the selective events of neuronal loss and survival. The presence of the limb with intact axons is essential at the time that LMC cell loss normally ensues for both the initiation and progression of the phase of greatest cell loss.
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