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Photoperiod and Temperature Regulation of Floral Initiation and Anthesis in Soya Bean
Affiliation:Department of Botany and Department of Soil Science, North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina 27650
Abstract:Floral development includes initiation of floral primordia andsubsequent anthesis as discrete events, even though in manyinvestigations only anthesis is considered. For ‘Ransom’soya bean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] grown at day/night temperaturesof 18/14, 22/18, 26/22, 30/26, and 34/30 °C and exposedto photoperiods of 10, 12, 14, 15, and 16 h, time of anthesisranged from less than 21 days after exposure at the shorterphotoperiods and warmer temperatures to more than 60 days atlonger photoperiods and cooler temperatures. For all temperatureregimes, however, floral primordia were initiated under shorterphotopenods within 3 to 5 days after exposure and after notmore than 7 to 10 days exposure to longer photoperiods. Onceinitiation had begun, time required for differentiation of individualfloral primordia and the duration of leaf initiation at shootapices increased with increasing length of photoperiod. Whileproduction of nodes ceased abruptly under photoperiods of 10and 12 h, new nodes continued to be formed concurrently withinitiation of axillary floral primordia under photoperiods of14, 15 and 16 h. The vegetative condition at the main stem shootapex was prolonged under the three longer photoperiods and issuggestive of the existence of an intermediate apex under theseconditions. The results indicate that initiation and anthesisare controlled independently rather than collectively by photoperiod,and that floral initiation consists of two independent steps—onefor the first-initiated flower in an axil of a main stem leafand a second for transformation of the terminal shoot apex fromthe vegetative to reproductive condition. Apical meristem, intermediate apex, floral initiation, anthesis, photoinduction, Glycine max(L.) Merrill, soya bean, photoperiod, temperature
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