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Function of eukaryotic initiation factor 5 in the formation of an 80 S ribosomal polypeptide chain initiation complex.
Authors:A Chakrabarti  U Maitra
Affiliation:Department of Developmental Biology and Cancer, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York 10461.
Abstract:Eukaryotic initiation factor 5 (eIF-5), isolated from rabbit reticulocyte lysates, is a monomeric protein of 58-62 kDa. The function of eIF-5 in the formation of an 80 S polypeptide chain initiation complex from a 40 S initiation complex has been investigated. Incubation of the isolated 40 S initiation complex (40 S.AUG.Met.tRNAf.eIF-2 GTP) with eIF-5 resulted in the rapid and quantitative hydrolysis of GTP bound to the 40 S initiation complex. The rate of this reaction was unaffected by the presence of 60 S ribosomal subunits. Analysis of eIF-5-catalyzed reaction products by gel filtration indicated that both eIF-2.GDP binary complex and Pi formed were released from the ribosomal complex whereas Met-tRNAf remained bound to 40 S ribosomes as a Met-tRNAf.40 S.AUG complex. Reactions carried out with biologically active 32P-labeled eIF-5 indicated that this protein was not associated with the 40 S.AUG.Met-tRNAf complex; similar results were obtained by immunological methods using monospecific anti-eIF-5 antibodies. The isolated 40 S.AUG.Met-RNAf complex, free of eIF-2.GDP binary complex and eIF-5, readily interacted with 60 S ribosomal subunits in the absence of exogenously added eIF-5 to form the 80 S initiation complex capable of transferring Met-tRNAf into peptide linkages. These results indicate that the sole function of eIF-5 in the initiation of protein synthesis is to mediate hydrolysis of GTP bound to the 40 S initiation complex in the absence of 60 S ribosomal subunits. This leads to formation of the intermediate 40 S.AUG.Met-tRNAf and dissociation of the eIF-2.GDP binary complex. Subsequent joining of 60 S ribosomal subunits to the intermediate 40 S.AUG.Met-tRNAf complex does not require participation of eIF-5. Thus, the formation of an 80 S ribosomal polypeptide chain initiation complex from a 40 S ribosomal initiation complex can be summarized by the following sequence of partial reactions. (40 S.AUG.Met-tRNAf.eIF-2.GTP) eIF-5----(40 S.AUG.Met-tRNAf) + (eIF-2.GDP) + Pi (1) (40 S.AUG.Met-tRNAf) + 60 S----(80 S.AUG.Met-tRNAf) (2) 80 S initiation complex.
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