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Ras Proteins Have Multiple Functions in Vegetative Cells of Dictyostelium
Authors:Parvin Bolourani  George Spiegelman  Gerald Weeks
Affiliation:Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Life Sciences Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Abstract:During the aggregation of Dictyostelium cells, signaling through RasG is more important in regulating cyclic AMP (cAMP) chemotaxis, whereas signaling through RasC is more important in regulating the cAMP relay. However, RasC is capable of substituting for RasG for chemotaxis, since rasG cells are only partially deficient in chemotaxis, whereas rasC/rasG cells are totally incapable of chemotaxis. In this study we have examined the possible functional overlap between RasG and RasC in vegetative cells by comparing the vegetative cell properties of rasG, rasC, and rasC/rasG cells. In addition, since RasD, a protein not normally found in vegetative cells, is expressed in vegetative rasG and rasC/rasG cells and appears to partially compensate for the absence of RasG, we have also examined the possible functional overlap between RasG and RasD by comparing the properties of rasG and rasC/rasG cells with those of the mutant cells expressing higher levels of RasD. The results of these two lines of investigation show that RasD is capable of totally substituting for RasG for cytokinesis and growth in suspension, whereas RasC is without effect. In contrast, for chemotaxis to folate, RasC is capable of partially substituting for RasG, but RasD is totally without effect. Finally, neither RasC nor RasD is able to substitute for the role that RasG plays in regulating actin distribution and random motility. These specificity studies therefore delineate three distinct and none-overlapping functions for RasG in vegetative cells.The Ras subfamily proteins are monomeric GTPases that act as molecular switches, cycling between an active GTP-bound and an inactive GDP-bound state (17). Activation is controlled by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), which catalyze the exchange of GDP for GTP, and inactivation regulated by GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) that stimulate the hydrolysis of bound GTP to GDP (17). Activated Ras proteins stimulate numerous downstream signaling pathways that regulate a wide range of cellular processes, including proliferation, cytoskeletal function, chemotaxis, and differentiation (4). The complexity of this regulation has been emphasized by the discovery of the presence of a large number of Ras subfamily homologues in metazoan organisms (19) and elucidation of the roles played by each protein remains a formidable challenge. An important approach to this problem is an analysis of Ras protein function in organisms amenable to genetic analysis.The Dictyostelium genome encodes 14 Ras subfamily members, an unusually large number for such a relatively simple organism (6, 25). Six of these have been partially characterized and have been shown to be involved in a wide variety of processes, including cell movement, polarity, growth, cytokinesis, chemotaxis, macropinocytosis, and multicellular development (5, 15, 23, 25). They exhibit considerable functional specificity, and even the two highly related proteins, RasD and RasG, perform different functions (23, 26). RasC and RasG are the best characterized of these proteins, and both are activated in response to cyclic AMP (cAMP) during aggregation (11). Although both proteins are involved in aggregation, signaling through RasC is more important for the regulation of the cAMP relay, whereas signaling through RasG is more important for cAMP-dependent chemotaxis, but there is some overlap of function (2, 3). Disruption of both the rasC and rasG genes results in a total loss of cAMP-mediated signaling, suggesting that all cAMP signal transduction in early development is partitioned between pathways that use either RasC or RasG (2, 3).In addition to their roles in early development, both RasG and RasC have vegetative cell functions. Cells with a disrupted rasG gene were found to exhibit a reduced growth rate, which was most apparent when cells were grown in suspension, and were multinucleate, indicating a defect in cytokinesis (13, 23). In addition, rasG cells exhibited reduced motility and polarity and an altered actin distribution. Vegetative rasC cells had a less pronounced phenotype: changes in actin distribution and motility but normal growth and cytokinesis (16). Given that there was evidence for some overlap of function between RasG and RasC during early development, it was important to determine the extent of their functional overlap in vegetative cells.In the present study, we have compared the potential overlap of RasG and RasC requirements for vegetative cell function in the recently generated isogenic rasC, rasG, and rasC/rasG strains (2, 3). In addition, the availability of stable rasG and rasC/rasG strains has enabled us to determine to what extent RasD, a protein that is highly related to RasG but not present in wild-type vegetative cells, can substitute for loss of function of RasG.
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