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Artificial rearing of some East African antelopes
Authors:Maureen  Hutchison
Affiliation:Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Makerere University College, Kampala, Uganda
Abstract:Six topi ( Damaliscus korrigum ), five Uganda kob ( Adenota kob thomasi ) and two kirk's dik-dik ( Rhynchotragus kirkii ) were artificially reared from a few days of age.
Foue kob and four topi were fed first on a humanized milk powder "Lactogen"; all four developed intestinal disorders which in two cases were fatal. The survivors recovered on a diet of pasteurized cows' milk on which they were satisfactorily reared. Two topi were satisfactorily reared on cows' milk from the time of capture.
One dik-dik was reared from two weeks on cows' milk enriched with egg yolk to the composition of eland ( Taurotragus oryx ) milk. weight gain was not significantly different to that of a second dik-dik reared on cows' milk alone.
Causes of ill health and death were: ( a ) dehydration during the first three days of captivity; ( b intestinal disorders during the milk-feeding period; and ( c ) heavy intestinal parasitic infections during the post-weaning period.
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