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A tribute to Dr Royce E. Longton

The relationships within the Bryaceae, with emphasis on the genus Bryum, were studied based on morphological and anatomical characters and using cladistic methods. The analysis was performed with thirty-six species representing the different parts of the family, and with Funaria hygrometrica Hedw., Mnium hornum (Dicks.) Lindb., and Tayloria lingulata Hedw. as outgroups. The Bryaceae, and the subfamilies Bryoideae, Mielichhoferioideae, and Pohlioideae, as defined by several earlier authors appear to be paraphyletic. The genus Bryum seems to be paraphyletic, because Leptobryum pyriforme (Hedw.) Wils., Osculatia columbica De Not., and Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwaegr.) Paris, appear as ingroups within this genus when the tree is rooted with Funaria. Mnium hornum came out as the sister taxon of a clade including Pohlia cruda (Hedw.) Lindb. and P. longicollis (Hedw.) Lindb., whereas P. drummondii (Müll. Hall.) A.L. Andrews, appears not to be closely related to the other two Pohlia species studied here, making this genus paraphyletic. Mielichhoferia mielichhoferiana (Funck.) Loeske, appears as the sister taxon of Schizymenium bryoides Harv., suggesting that both these genera are paraphyletic. Overall, the stabilities of the clades are low and it is suggested that combined analyses of morphological, anatomical, and molecular data are needed to get better resolved and more stable trees.
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