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Brushing effects on the growth and mechanical properties of Corispermum mongolicum vary with water regime
Authors:Y.-H. Wang,W.-M. He,F.-H. Yu,L.-L. Zhang,Q.-G. Cui,Y. Chu,&   M. Dong
Affiliation: State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China;
 Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Abstract:High water availability and mechanical stress can induce opposite responses in plants. In arid areas of Northern China the occurrence of high wind and high water availability tend to be negatively correlated. Since turgor pressure is a determinant of the mechanical stability of annuals, it is hypothesised that the effects of mechanical perturbation (MP) on annuals may depend on soil water availability. To test this proposal, we conducted an experiment in which a pioneering annual Corispermum mongolicum was subjected to two levels of MP and water supply, and then determined its growth and mechanical traits. Brushing had no effect on plant height and total biomass, but stimulated leaf and branch production. Water supply affected plant height, basal diameter, total biomass and stem rigidity, but not leaf and branch number, root/shoot ratio or flexibility. With high water availability, brushing stimulated the production of stiffer stems (thicker and with a higher Young's modulus) and more roots relative to shoot mass, but with low water availability MP induced the opposite response. This shows that both the degree and direction of plant responses to MP depend on the presence of other factors. We discuss how the interactive effects of MP and water availability on growth and mechanical properties may help C. mongolicum to establish in windy and arid environments.
Keywords:Biomechanics    Corispermum mongolicum    growth    mechanical properties    water regimes
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