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Involvement of a Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase in Hypoosmotic Turgor Regulation in a Brackish Water Characeae Lamprothamnium succinctum
Authors:Yuasa, Takashi   Okazaki, Yoshiji   Iwasaki, Naohiko   Muto, Shoshi
Affiliation:1 Nagoya University Bioscience Center, Nagoya University Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-01 Japan
3 Department of Biology, Osaka Medical College Sawaragi-cho, Takatsuki, Osaka, 569 Japan
4 Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Nagoya University Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-01 Japan
Abstract:Calcium ion is a key messenger in turgor regulation of internodalcells of Lamprothamnium succinctum in response to hypoosmotictreatment. An increase in the concentration of cytosolic freecalcium ion ([Ca2+]c) is prerequisite for the turgor regulation[Okazaki and Tazawa (1990) J. Membr. Biol. 114: 189], We examinedwhether or not a calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) isinvolved in the Ca2+-mediated turgor regulation of Lamprothamniumcells. A 53-kDa CDPK which phosphorylated preferentially histoneH1 but poorly myelin basic protein or casein, was detected inthe cell extract of Lamprothamnium by an in-gel protein kinaseassay. This protein kinase was detected by Western blottingand was immunoprecipitated using an anti-Dunaliella tertiolectaCDPK antibody which can neutralize the Dunaliella CDPK activity[Yuasa et al. (1995) Plant Cell Physiol. 36: 699]. The 53-kDaCDPK was partially purified from Lamprothamnium and its activitywas shown to be inhibited by the antibody and K-252a, a proteinkinase inhibitor. Microinjection of the antibody into the cytosblof Lamprothamnium cells inhibited the decrease in turgor pressurein response to hypoosmotic treatment. However, a transient increasein [Ca2+]c, which was suggested by a transient reduction ofthe velocity of cytoplasmic streaming, was induced in antibody-injectedcells after hypoosmotic treatment. Turgor regulation upon hypoosmotictreatment was inhibited when the cells were treated with K-252a.These results imply that CDPK of Lamprothamnium functions ata down-stream position of Ca2+-mobilization in processing turgorregulation in response to hypoosmotic treatment. 2 These authors contributed equally to the work.
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