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Similarities and differences between the responses induced in human phagocytes through activation of the medium chain fatty acid receptor GPR84 and the short chain fatty acid receptor FFA2R
Authors:Martina Sundqvist  Karin Christenson  André Holdfeldt  Michael Gabl  Jonas Mårtensson  Lena Björkman  Regis Dieckmann  Claes Dahlgren  Huamei Forsman
Affiliation:1. Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, Sahlgrenska, Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden;2. Department of Oral Microbiology and Immunology, Institute of Odontology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Abstract:GPR84 is a recently de-orphanized member of the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) family recognizing medium chain fatty acids, and has been suggested to play important roles in inflammation. Due to the lack of potent and selective GPR84 ligands, the basic knowledge related to GPR84 functions is very limited. In this study, we have characterized the GPR84 activation profile and regulation mechanism in human phagocytes, using two recently developed small molecules that specifically target GPR84 agonistically (ZQ16) and antagonistically (GLPG1205), respectively. Compared to our earlier characterization of the short chain fatty acid receptor FFA2R which is functionally expressed in neutrophils but not in monocytes, GPR84 is expressed in both cell types and in monocyte-derived macrophages. In neutrophils, the GPR84 agonist had an activation profile very similar to that of FFA2R. The GPR84-mediated superoxide release was low in naïve cells, but the response could be significantly primed by TNFα and by the actin cytoskeleton disrupting agent Latrunculin A. Similar to that of FFA2R, a desensitization mechanism bypassing the actin cytoskeleton was utilized by GPR84. All ZQ16-mediated cellular responses were sensitive to GLPG1205, confirming the GPR84-dependency. Finally, our data of in vivo transmigrated tissue neutrophils indicate that both GPR84 and FFA2R are involved in neutrophil recruitment processes in vivo.In summary, we show functional similarities but also some important differences between GPR84 and FFA2R in human phagocytes, thus providing some mechanistic insights into GPR84 regulation in blood neutrophils and cells recruited to an aseptic inflammatory site in vivo.
Keywords:APC  allophycocyaninin  AU  arbitrary units  BSA  bovine serum albumin  C5aR  complement fragment 5a receptor  CI  confidence interval  Cmp1  Compound 1  CTAB  Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide  DMSO  dimethyl sulfoxide  FCS  fetal calf serum  FFAs  free fatty acids  FFARs  free fatty acid receptors  FITC  fluorescein  FPR  formyl peptide receptors  GPCR  G-protein coupled receptor  HRP  horseradish peroxidase  IL-8  interleukin 8  KRG  Krebs-Ringer phosphate buffer  M-CSF  macrophage colony-stimulating factor  MCFAs  medium chain fatty acids  MDMs  monocyte-derived macrophages  Mcpm  Mega counts per minute  PAFR  platelet activating factor receptor  PFA  paraformaldehyde  PE  phycoerythrin  PBMCs  peripheral blood mononuclear cells  PEST  Penicillin-Streptomycin  LA  Latrunculin A  PTX  pertussis toxin  RLU  relative light units  ROS  reactive oxygen species  SCFAs  short-chain fatty acids  TNFα  tumour necrosis factor α  G-protein coupled receptors  Free fatty acids  NADPH-oxidase  Neutrophils  Monocytes
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