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Crystalline Cellulose in Hydrated Primary Cell Walls of Three Monocotyledons and One Dicotyledon
Authors:Smith, Bronwen G.   Harris, Philip J.   Melton, Laurence D.   Newman, Roger H.
Affiliation:1 School of Biological Sciences, The University of Auckland Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand
2 Food Science, University of Otago Dunedin, New Zealand
3 Industrial Research Limited P.O. Box 31-310, Lower Hutt, New Zealand
Abstract:The molecular ordering of cellulose, including its crystallinity,in the unlignified primary cell walls of three monocotyledons(Italian ryegrass, pineapple, and onion) and one dicotyledon(cabbage) was characterized by solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy.These species were chosen because their primary cell walls havedifferent non-cellulosic polysaccharides and this may affectthe molecular ordering of cellulose. Values of the proton rotating-framerelaxation [T1p(H)] and spin-spin relaxation [T2(H)] time constantsshowed that the cellulose in the cell walls of all four specieswas in a crystalline rather than an amorphous state. Furthermore,a resolution enhancement procedure showed that the triclinic(I{alpha}) and the monoclinic (I) crystal forms of cellulosewere present in similar proportions in these cell walls. However,the calculated cross-sectional dimensions of the cellulose crystallitesvaried among the cell walls (in the range 2–3 nm): thelargest were in the Italian ryegrass, the smallest were in theonion and cabbage, and those of intermediate size were in thepineapple. The crystallite dimensions may thus be affected bythe non-cellulosic polysaccha-ride compositions of the cellwalls. 4Present address: Food Science Postgraduate Programme, Departmentof Chemistry, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019,Auckland, New Zealand.
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