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Abstract:BOOKS: Anderson , A. H. & Anderson , A. 1973. The Cactus Wren. BOOKS: Bellrose , C. 1976. Ducks, geese and swans of North America. BOOKS: Johnsgard , P. A. 1975. Waterfowl of North America. BOOKS: Palmer , R. S. (ed.) 1976. Handbook of North American birds. Vols. 2 and 3 (Waterfowl). BOOKS: Burton , J. A. (ed.) 1973. Owls of the world, their evolution, structure and ecology. BOOKS: Castillo , R. C., Jimenez , F. L. & Fernandez , C. M. 1974. Guia del Parque Nacional de las Tablas de Daimiel. BOOKS: Coronado , R., del Portillo , F. & Saez -Royuela , R. 1973. Guia de las Anatidas en España. BOOKS: Fernandez , J. A. 1974. Guia del Parque Nacional de Doñana. BOOKS: King , A. S. & Mc Lelland , J. 1975. Outlines of avian anatomy. BOOKS: Kumari , E. 1975. (Bird migration.) BOOKS: Olendorff , R. R. 1975. Golden Eagle country. BOOKS: Peaker , M. (ed.) 1975. Avian physiology. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London No. BOOKS: Smithe , F. B. 1974. Naturalist's color guide and supplement. BOOKS: Svensson , L. 1975. Identification guide to European passerines. BOOKS: Webster , M. A. 1975. An annotated check list of the birds of Hong Kong. BOOKS: Wright , P., Caryl , P. G. & Vowles , D. M. (eds.) 1975. Neural and endocrine aspects of behaviour in birds. BOOKS: Anon . 1976. Our country's birds and animals.] BOOKS: Brown , P. E. 1976 (1964). Birds of prey. BOOKS: Kumari , E. (ed.) 1975. Nature in Estonia—Conservation of species.] BOOKS: Massey , M. E. 1976. Birds of Breconshire. A review of status and distibution. Nowak , E. 1975 (1971). The range expansion of animals and its causes. BOOKS: Seebohm , H. 1976 (1901). Birds of Siberia. Wilson , A. 1975. American bird engravings. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: SOUND RECORDINGS: Nicholsky , I. D. 1975. Catalogue of recordings of animal voices in the Central Phonotek of Animal Voice.] RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Ainley , D. G., Morrell , S. & Lewis , T. J. 1974. Patterns in the life histories of storm petrels on the Farallon Islands. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Bengtson , S.-A. & Fjellberg , A. 1975. Summer food of the Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima) in Spitsbergen. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Bourne , G. R. 1974. The Red-billed Toucan in Guyana. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Brun , E. 1974. Breeding success of Gannets Sula bassana at Nordmjele RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Conroy , J. W. H., White , M. G., Furse , J. R. & Bruce , G. 1975. Observations on the breeding biology of the Chinstrap Penguin Pygoscelis antarctica at Elephant Island RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Davis , J. W. F. 1976. Breeding success and experience in the Arctic Skua Stercorarius parasiticus RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: De Naurois , R. 1975. The Grey Heron of the Banc d'Arguin (Mauritania) Ardea cinerea monicae. Bull. Br. Ornithol. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Evans , M. E. 1975. Breeding behaviour of captive Bewick's Swans. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Gaston , A. J. 1976. Brood parasitism by the Pied Crested Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Jensen , R. A. C. & Cunning , C. F. 1974. Breeding biology of two cuckoos and their hosts in South West Africa. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Källander , H. 1976. (Data on the breeding biology of the Blue Tit Parus caeruleus and the Marsh Tit P. palustris in southwest Scania.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Kear , J. 1975. Salvadori's Duck of New Guinea. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Mc Farlane , R. W. 1975. Notes on the Giant Coot (Fulica gigantea). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Nilsson , S. G. 1975. (Clutch size and breeding success of birds in nest boxes and natural cavities.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Parmelee , D. F. & Maxson , S. J. 1974. The Antarctic Terns of Anvers Island. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Sealy , S. G. 1975. Aspects of the breeding biology of the Marbled Murrelet in British Columbia. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: GENERAL BIOLOGY OF SPECIES: Snow , B. K. 1974. The Plumbeous Heron of the Galapagos. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Allison , A., Newton , I. & Campbell , C. 1974. Loch Leven National Nature Reserve, a study of waterfowl biology. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Andersson , M. 1976. Population ecology of the Long-tailed Skua (Stercorarius longicaudus Vieill.). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Barclay , H. J. & Bergerud , A. T. 1975. Demography and behavioural ecology of the California Quail on Vancouver Island. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Barrat , A. et al. 1974. Recherches Ecologiques et Physiologiques sur la Faune des Terres Australes et Antarctiques Françaises RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Björkman , G. 1975. (The Bearded Tit in Lake Tåkern.) Vår Fågelvärld RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Bruning , D. F. 1974. Social structure and reproductive behaviour in the Greater Rhea. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Cadbury , C. J. 1975. Populations of swans at the Ouse Washes RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Chabrzyk , G. & Coulson , J. C. 1976. Survival and recruitment in the Herring Gull Larus argentatus. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Coulson , J. C. & Wooller , R. D. 1976. Differential survival rates among breeding Kittiwake Gulls Rissa tridactyla (L.). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Davies , N. B. 1976. Food, flocking and territorial behaviour of the Pied Wagtail (Motacilla alba yarrellii Gould) in winter. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Davies , S. J. J. F. 1973. Land use by Emus and other wildlife species in the arid shrublands of Western Australia. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Ekstam , U. 1975. (Changes of the avifauna and the nature and environment of Lake Tåkern in 1850–1974.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Ferns , P. N. & Green , G. H. 1975. Observations of Pink-footed and Barnacle Geese in the Kong Oscar Fjord region of north-east Greenland RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Flack , J. A. D. 1976. Bird populations of aspen forests in western North America. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Foster , M. S. 1975. The overlap of molting and breeding in some tropical birds. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Gjøsaeter , J. & Saetre , R. 1974. Predation of eggs of Capelin (Mallotus villosus) by diving ducks. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Harris , M. P. 1976. The seabirds of Shetland in 1974. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Jacobsson , L. 1975. (The grebes in Lake Tåkern.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Johannesson , H. 1975. (Activities of breeding Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Kerbes , R. H. 1975. Lesser Snow Geese in the Canadian Arctic. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Lill , A. 1974. The evolution of clutch size and male ‘chauvinism’ in the White-bearded Manakin. Lill , A. 1974. Social organization and space utilization in the lek-forming White-bearded Manakin, M. manacus trinitatis (Hartert). Z. Tierpsychol. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Lovejoy , T. E. 1974. Bird diversity and abundance in Amazon forest communities. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Moss , R. & Miller , G. R. 1976. Production, dieback and grazing of heather (Calluna vulgaris) in relation to numbers of Red Grouse (Lagopus l. scoticus) and Mountain Hares (Lepus timidus) in north-east Scotland. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Newton , I. & Campbell , C. R. G. 1975. Breeding of ducks at Loch Leven RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Nilsson , L. 1976. (Seasonal fluctuations of Anatidae in south Sweden during the non-breeding season.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Norton , D. W., Ailes , I. W. & Curatolo , J. A. 1975. Ecological relationships of the inland tundra avifauna near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Ogilvie , M. A. & Boyd , H. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Oniki , Y. 1972. Studies of the guild of ant-following birds at Belém, Brazil. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Persson , T. 1975. (Marsh Harrier and Bittern in Lake Tåkern in 1972–1974.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Pienkowski , M. W. (ed.) 1975. Studies on coastal birds and wetlands in Morocco RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Ryder , J. P. 1975. The significance of territory size in colonial nesting geese—a hypothesis. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Slud , P. 1976. Geographic and climatic relationships of avifaunas with special reference to comparative distribution in the neotropics. Smithson. Contr. Zool. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Solomon , M. E., Glen , D. M., Kendall , D. A. & Milsom , N. F. 1976. Predation of overwintering larvae of Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella (L.)) by birds. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Stepney , P. H. R. 1975. Wintering distribution of Brewer's Blackbird: Historical aspect, recent changes, and fluctuations. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Svensson , S. 1976. (The distribution and abundance of the Heron Ardea cinerea in Sweden in 1972.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Weiner , J. & Glowacińlski , Z. 1975. Energy flow through a bird community in a deciduous forest in southern Poland. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Wolf , L. L., Stiles , F. G. & Hainsworth , F. R. 1976. Ecological organization of a tropical, highland hummingbird community. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: ECOLOGY AND POPULATIONS: Wormell , P. 1976. The Manx Shearwaters of Rhum. Scott. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Ahlén , I. & Andersson , Å. 1976. (Grey-headed Woodpecker Picus canus and White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos in Sweden in 1973.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Anderson , D. W. et al. 1975. Brown Pelicans: Improved reproduction off the southern California coast. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Bergengren , G. & Elderud , C. 1975. (Lake Tåkern Ecological Station—a presentation.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Besser , J. F., De Grazio , J. W. & Guarino , J. L. 1973. Decline of a blackbird population during seven years of baiting with a chemical frightening agent. Proc. 6 Bird Control Seminar, Bowling Green State Univ. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Blus , L. J., Joanen , T., Belisle , A. A. & Prouty , R. M. 1975. The Brown Pelican and certain environmental pollutants in Louisiana. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Hunt , F. R. 1975. Automatic radar equipment to determine bird strike probability. Part I. Night-time passerine migration. Natl. Res. Counc. Canada. Associate Committee on Bird Hazards to Aircraft. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Jeffries , D. J. & Parslow , J. L. F. 1976. Thyroid changes in PCB-dosed Guillemots and their indication of one of the mechanisms of action of these materials. Environ. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Ludke , J. L., Hill , E. F. & Dieter , M. P. 1975. Cholinesterase (ChE) response and related mortality among birds fed ChE inhibitors. Arch. Environ. Contam. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Lumsden , H. G. 1975. The Whistling Swan in James Bay and the southern region of Hudson Bay. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Mott , D. F. 1973. Monk Parakeet damage to crops in Uruguay and its control. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Peakall , D. B., Miller , D. S. & Kinter , W. B. 1975. Blood calcium levels and the mechanism of DDE-induced eggshell thinning. Environ. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Pounder , B. 1966. Waterfowl at effluent discharges in Scottish coastal waters. Scott. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Stone , C. P. 1973. Bird damage to agricultural crops in the United States—a current summary. Proc. 6 Bird Control Seminar, Bowling Green State Univ. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Sugden , L. G. 1976. Waterfowl damage to Canadian grain. C.W.S. Occas. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Wace , N. M. & Holdgate , M. W. 1976. Man and nature in the Tristan da Cunha Islands. IUCN Monogr. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: POLLUTION AND CONSERVATION: Fimreite , N., Brun , E., Frøslie , A., Frederichsen , P. & Gundesen , N. 1974. Mercury in eggs of Norwegian seabirds. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Abbott , I., Abbott , L. K. & Grant , P. R. 1975. Seed selection and handling ability of four species of Darwin's Finches. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Balthazart , J. & Stevens , M. 1975. Effects of testosterone proprionate on the social behaviour of male domestic ducklings, Anas platyrhynchos L. Anim. Behav. Bateson , P. P. G. & Jaeckel , J. B. 1976. Chicks' preferences for familiar and novel conspicuous objects after different periods of exposure. Anim. Behav. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Caryl , P. 1976. Sexual behaviour in the Zebra Finch, Taeniopygia guttata: response to familiar and novel partners. Clayton , D. 1976. The effects of pre-test conditions on the social facilitation of drinking in ducks. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Schuler , W. 1974. (The influence of the resemblance between mimic and model and of alternate prey upon the effectiveness of artificial Batesian mimicry.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Coelho , A. G. M. 1975. Anting by Zonotrichia capensis matutina in north-east Brazil.] Notulae Biologicae RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Davies , N. B. & Green , R. E. 1976. The development and ecological significance of feeding tech niques in the Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Desforges , M. F. & Wood -Gush , D. G. M. 1976. Behavioural comparison of Aylesbury and Mallard ducks: sexual behaviour. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Erkinardo , E. 1973. Seasonal variation of the dimensions of pellets in Tengmalm's Owl, Aegolius funereus, and the Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus. Aquilo Ser. Zool. 14: 84–88. Structure of the diel activity period in Tengmalm's Owl, Aegolius funereus, and the Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus, and its seasonal changes. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Feare , C. J. 1975. Post-fledging parental care in Crested and Sooty Terns. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Gilbertson , D. W. 1975. Courtship as a reinforcement for key pecking in the pigeon, Columba livia. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Harvey , W. G. 1975. The habitat preferences of different colour morphs of Egretta garzetta on the Tanzanian coast. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Kevan , P. G. 1976. Sir Thomas More on imprinting: observations from the sixteenth century. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Kruuk , H. 1976. The biological function of gulls' attraction towards predators. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Lill , A. 1974. Sexual behavior of the lek-forming White-bearded Manakin (Manacus manacus trinitatis Hartert). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Moore , C. L. 1976. The transition from sitting on eggs to sitting on young in Ring Doves Streptopelia risoria: squab-egg preferences during the normal cycle. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Partridge , L. 1976. Individual differences in feeding efficiencies and feeding preferences of captive Great Tits. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Scaife , M. 1976. The response to eye-like shapes by birds, I. The effect of context: a predator and a strange bird. Anim. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Scaife , M. 1976. The response to eye-like shapes by birds, II. The importance of staring, pairedness and shape. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Spurr , E. B. 1975. Behaviour of the Adélie Penguin chick. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Studer -Thiersch , A. 1974. (The courtship of the flamingo genus Phoenicopterus, especially of Ph. ruber roseus.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Swingland , I. R. 1976. The influence of light intensity on the roosting times of the Rook (Corvus frugilegus). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: White , S. J. 1975. Effects of stimuli emanating from the nest on the reproductive cycle in the Ring Dove. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Windsor , D. & Emlen , S. T. 1975. Predator-prey interactions of adult and prefledgling Bank Swallows and American Kestrels. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: BEHAVIOUR: Woolfenden , G. E., White , S. C., Mumme , R. L. & Robertson , W. B. 1976. Aggression among starving Cattle Egrets. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Baptista , L. F. & Wells , H. 1975. Additional evidence of song-misprinting in the White-crowned Sparrow. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Jenni , D. A., Gambs , R. D. & Betts , B. J. 1974. Acoustic behavior of the Northern Jacana. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Kroodsma , D. E. 1975. Song patterning in the Rock Wren. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Platz , F. 1974. (On the ontogeny of social behaviour patterns and the development of calls in the Red-crested Pochard (Netta rufina Pallas), with a contribution to the anatomy of the vocal apparatus.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Stevenson -Hinde , J. & Roper , R. 1975. Individual differences in reinforcing effects of song. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Wickler , W. 1974. Influence between partners in duetting Robin Chats, Cossypha heuglini Hartlaub. (Aves, Turdidae). RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Coulter , M. C. 1975. Post-breeding movements and mortality in the Western Gull (Larus occidentalism. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Griffin , D. R. 1976. The audibility of frog choruses to migrating birds. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: VOCALIZATIONS: Minton , C. D. T. 1975. The waders of the Wash—ringing and biometric studies. Wash Wader Ringing Group cyclostyled report as part of the Wash Feasibility Study. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MIGRATION AND HOMING: Myrberget , S. 1975. Age distribution, mortality and migration of Willow Grouse Lagopus lagopus, on Senja, north Norway. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MIGRATION AND HOMING: Staav , R. 1975. (Migration of Nordic Bluethroats Luscinia s. svecica.) RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Anderson , A. 1975. A method of sexing Moorhens. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: O'Connor , R. J. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Oniki , Y. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Parkes , K. C. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: MORPHOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETICS: Schreiber , R. W. 1976. Growth and development of nestling Brown Pelicans. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: PARASITOLOGY: Keymer , I. F. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Middlemiss , E. & Langley , H. RECENT ORNITHOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS: PERIODICAL LITERATURE: TAXONOMIC AND FAUNISTIC: Storr , G. M., Johnstone , R. E., Dell , J. & Smith , L. A.
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