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Spatio-temporal overlap between the at-sea distribution of Southern Giant Petrels and fisheries at the Patagonian Shelf
Authors:Sofía Copello  Flavio Quintana
Affiliation:(1) Centro Nacional Patagónico (CONICET), Boulevard Brown 3500, U9120ACF Puerto Madryn, Argentina;(2) Wildlife Conservation Society, New York, NY 10460, USA;(3) Present address: Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata-CONICET, Funes 3250, A7602AYJ Mar del Plata, Argentina
Abstract:The interactions between seabirds and fisheries pose significant threats for the seabird species such as incidental capture. In contrast, several species of seabirds meet part of their energetic requirements through the use of fisheries discards. Knowledge about the relationship between at-sea distribution of Procellariiformes and fisheries is a key tool in marine ecosystem management. We analysed the spatio-temporal relationship between the areas used by 16 satellite-tracked breeding adults of the Southern Giant Petrel and fisheries distribution and catch at the Patagonian Shelf. We also determined the time spent by adults in different marine jurisdictions. Results indicated a marked spatio-temporal association between birds and fisheries, mainly trawlers. The Southern Giant Petrels concentrated their foraging effort over Argentinean waters. The use of an abundant and predictable food source provided by the fisheries discards may be one of the factors affecting the dynamics of the Southern Giant Petrel populations in Patagonia, Argentina.
Keywords:Southern Giant Petrel   Macronectes giganteus   Fisheries  Patagonian Shelf  Satellite tracking  Spatial overlap  Southwest Atlantic Ocean  Marine jurisdictions
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