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Social Displays of the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)
Authors:VLIET   KENT A.
Affiliation:University of Florida, Department of Zoology Gainesville, Florida 32611
Abstract:Adult alligators perform two conspicuous social displays, bellowsand headslaps. Both of these behaviors are performed from a"head oblique tail arched" (HOTA) posture. Bellow displays,by both males and females, involve the production of a loud,roaring vocalization. Male alligators also produce a infrasonicsignal, termed subaudible vibrations, just prior to the audiblebellow. Bellowing occurs throughout the year but is most frequentduring the courting season, when alligators bellow daily inchoruses. Chorus length appears to be correlated with the sizeof the adult population. Chorusing is frequently initiated byfemales but seems to be perpetuated by male alligators. Bellowingmay serve to attract alligators of the opposite sex and possiblyto space out animals of the same sex. The headslap display is an assertion display consisting of eightcomponent behavioral acts: the elevated posture, HOTA posture,subaudible vibrations, headslap, jawclap, growl, inflated posture,and tail wag. Each act component is variable in presence andintensity producing a highly variable, graded signal. The alligatortypically remains motionless in the HOTA posture for about 16sec before executing the headslap/jawclap acts. The headslapdisplay involves a rapid clapping shut of the jaws as the undersurfaceof the head is slapped against the water surface. Headslappingis most common in early morning and afternoon hours. Analysisof 1,050 headslap displays by 91 known individuals indicatesthat 94.5% of the observed displays were performed by males.Headslap displays are generally performed from typical displaysites which the alligator seeks out prior to the display. Responsesto headslap displays include headslapping by others, lunges,approaches, and bellow growling. The headslap display functionsas a declaration of presence. A musky odor is commonly detected in association with both ofthese social displays, suggesting a possibly important, butlittle understood, pheromonal component of these behaviors. The displays both involve complex signals including visual,auditory, olfactory and possibly tactile channels of communication.Most of the behaviors described are shared with many other speciesof crocodilians.
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