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Developmental Features of Cell Wall Formation in Sieve Elements of the Grass Aegilops comosa var. thessalica
Affiliation:Botanical Institute, University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece
Abstract:In differentiating sieve elements of Aegilops comosa var. thessalicadictyosomes are abundant and they produce numerous smooth vesicles.Coated vesicles seem to bud from smooth ones. Since both kindsof vesicles appear both in the cytoplasm and in associationwith the plasmalemma, it is proposed that they move to and fusewith the plasmalemma transferring products for cell wall synthesis.During differentiation sub-plasmalemmal microtubules are initiallyscarce and randomly oriented but soon afterwards they becomenumerous and transversely oriented to the long axis. Cellulosemicrofibrils in the cell wall appear to run parallel to themicrotubules and the latter may regulate microfibril orientation. Root protophloem sieve elements develop wave-like wall thickenings,which are, during development, overlaid by microtubules perpendicularto the long axis. Just after maturation these thickenings progressivelybecome smooth and finally the walls appear uniform in thickness.The wave-like wall thickenings may function as stored wall material,utilized in later stages of development when wall material willbe needed and its synthesis will be impossible because of theabsence of a synthesizing mechanism in the highly degraded protoplastsof mature sieve elements. It is suggested that in this way thethickenings may enable root protophloem sieve elements to growand keep pace with the active clongation of the surroundingcells. Aegilops comosa var. thessalica, sieve elements. cell wall, microtubules, dictyosomes, coated vesicles, wave-like thickenings
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