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Comparative morphology of the gametophytes of Equisetum subgenus Hippochaete and the sexual behaviour of E. ramosissimum subsp. debile, (Roxb.) Hauke, E. hyemale var. affine (Engelm.) A.A., and E. laevigatum A. Br.
Authors:J. G. DUCKETT F.L.S.
Affiliation:School of Plant Biology, University College of North Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd, Wales
Abstract:Gametophytes of Equisetum , subgenus Hippochaete , species E. hyemale, E. ramosissimum, E. laevigatum, E. variegatum and E. scirpoides are morphologically distinct. Lamellae from female branches and the archegonial neck cells provide a range of diagnostic features but antheridia are uniform throughout this subgenus, unlike the subgenus Equisetum , in which antheridial morphology is the most reliable criterion for specific identification of gametophytes. The classification of Equisetum into two subgenera based on sporophytic features is supported by gametophyte morphology: column lamellae and sunken antheridia with two opercular cells occur in Hippochaete whereas plate lamellae and projecting antheridia prevail in subgenus Equisetum. The absence of well-marked discontinuities in gametophyte morphology in Hippochaete reinforces cytologica! and hybridization data indicating that the taxa are more closely interrelated man in the subgenus Equisetum. No differences in gametophyte morphology were detected at the intraspecific level. Neither gametophyte morphology nor sexuality provide any definitive data to support me theory that Hippochaete contains the most primitive extant horsetails.
Sexuality in E. ramosissimum subsp. debile, E. hyemale var. affine and E. laevigatum is far more labile than in other taxa of Equisetum. Both male and female secondary gametophytes may be derived from initially male or female individuals as a result of lamellar proliferation.
Keywords:Equisetum    taxonomy    gametophyte morphology    phenotypic sex determination
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