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Materials for the fungus flora of Japan (57)
Authors:Shun-ichi Udagawa  Shigeru Uchiyama
Affiliation:(1) Japan Food Research Laboratories, 6-11-10, Nagayama, 206-0025 Tama-shi, Tokyo, Japan;(2) Banyu Tsukuba Research Institute, Banyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 3, Okubo, 300-2611 Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki, Japan
Abstract:Two microfungi are described as new to Japan:Amaurascopsis reticulatus (Amauroascaceae, Ascomycetes), isolated from forest soil in Kamakura, has not been recorded since it was originally found and is characterized by yellow to orange-red ascomata with undifferentiated peridial hyphae and globose ascospores with contorted ridges appearing irregularly punctate-reticulate; andHobsonia mirabilis (helicosporous hyphomycete), isolated from the cut stem of a thistle in Hachijo-jima, is characterized by gelatinous sporodochia and hyaline, tortuously coiled conidia. (56): Okuda, T. and Yamamoto, K., Mycoscience41: 411–414, 2000.
Keywords:Amaurascopsis   ascomycetes  helicosporous hyphomycetes   Hobsonia   Japan
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