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引用本文:郑和斌 马志刚 吕作舟 余知和. 基于ITS序列分析对我国主要栽培的侧耳品种的鉴定及评价[J]. 菌物学报, 2006, 25(3): 398-407
作者姓名:郑和斌 马志刚 吕作舟 余知和
作者单位:1. 华中农业大学应用真菌研究所,武汉,430070;长江大学生命科学学院,荆州,434025;湖南省农业厅植保植检站,长沙,410005
2. 华中农业大学应用真菌研究所,武汉,430070
3. 长江大学生命科学学院,荆州,434025
摘    要:利用PCR产物克隆测序测定了20个我国主要栽培的侧耳品种的ITS序列,另外从GenBank获得侧耳属15个种25条ITS序列及亚侧耳属2个种的ITS序列。以Hohenbueheliagrisea和H.tremula为外群,运用PAUP软件中的简约分析法(parsimonyanalysis)构建的系统发育树表明:侧耳属Pleurotus是单起源的,20个主要栽培的侧耳品种分别聚在三个组,即Ostreatus-eryngii-populinus复合组、Pulmonarius组、Citrinopileatus-cornucopiae组。Ostreatus-eryngii-populinus组含刺芹侧耳Pleurotuseryngii、白灵侧耳P.nebrodensis、香侧耳Pleurotussp.、阿魏侧耳P.eryngiivar.ferulae、平963-1Pleurotussp.及糙皮侧耳P.ostreatus、日本秀珍Pleurotussp.、平802Pleurotussp.、姬菇Pleurotussp.、灰白侧耳P.spodoleucus、缘刺侧耳Pleurotussp.、凤尾菇P.sajor-caju;Pulmonarius组含肺形侧耳P.pulmonarius、小白平菇Pleurotussp.、平8804Pleurotussp.、平侧5Pleurotussp.、美味侧耳P.sapidus;Citrinopileatus-cornucopiae组含黄白侧耳P.cornucopiae、金顶侧耳P.citrinopileatus、鸡汁菌Pleurotussp.。系统树还显示黄白侧耳与金顶侧耳、白灵侧耳与刺芹侧耳亲缘关系密切,而凤尾菇与肺形侧耳分属于不同的组,属于两个不同的种。基于ITS序列分析,本文还针对目前我国栽培的主要侧耳品种在名称使用上的混淆和混乱进行了初步的评价和讨论。

关 键 词:亚侧耳属  核糖体RNA  亲缘关系  简约分析法  系统发育树

Identification and evaluation of main cultivated species of Pleurotus in China based on ITS sequence analysis
ZHENG He-Bin,MA Zhi-Gang,LV Zuo-Zhou,YU Zhi-He. Identification and evaluation of main cultivated species of Pleurotus in China based on ITS sequence analysis[J]. Mycosystema, 2006, 25(3): 398-407
Authors:ZHENG He-Bin  MA Zhi-Gang  LV Zuo-Zhou  YU Zhi-He
Affiliation:1.The Institute of Applied Mycology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070; 2Department of Biological Science Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025; 3.Plant Protectton and Quarantine Statton of Hunan Province, Changsha 410005
Abstract:Phylogenetic relationships of main cultivated Pleurotus species in China were evaluated and elucidated. ITS sequences were produced from 20 strains of Pleurotus by clone sequencing of PCR products. Additional 27 sequences of ITS were obtained from GenBank which included 15 species of Pleurotus and 2 species of Hohenbuehelia. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that Pleurotus was monophyletic with Hohenbuehelia grisea and H. tremula as the outgroups and seven lineages were recognized. Twenty strains of Pleurotus in Chinawere placed into three groups. P. eryngii, P. nebrodensis, P. eryngii var. ferulae, P. spodoleucus, P. sajor-caju, P. ostreatus and Pleurotus spp. PHZAU8, 10, 12-13, 15, and 17 represent Ostreatus-eryngii-populinus complex group and P. pulmonarius, P. sapidus, and Pleurotus spp. PHZAU9, 11, 14 constitute another one with bootstrap value of 84% and 89%, respectively. Citrinopileatus-cornucopiae group included P. cornucopiae, P. citrinopileatus and Pleurotus sp. PHZAU16. The result also showed that there was close relationships between P. eryngii and P. nebrodensis as well as between P. cornucopiae and P. citrinopileatus. P. sajor-caju was distant to P. pulmonarius.
Keywords:Hohenbuehelia   rRNA   phylogenetic relationships   parsimony analysis   phylogegnetic tree
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