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Analysis of the carboxypeptidase D cytoplasmic domain: Implications in intracellular trafficking
Authors:Kalinina Elena  Varlamov Oleg  Fricker Lloyd D
Affiliation:Department of Molecular Pharmacology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York 10461, USA.
Abstract:Metallocarboxypeptidase D (CPD) is a type 1 transmembrane protein that functions in the processing of proteins that transit the secretory pathway. Previously, CPD was found to be enriched in the trans Golgi network (TGN) and to cycle between this compartment and the cell surface. In the present study, the roles of specific regions of the CPD cytosolic tail in intracellular trafficking were investigated in the AtT-20 cell line. When the CPD transmembrane region and cytosolic tail are attached to the C-terminus of albumin, this protein is retained in the TGN and cycles to the cell surface. Deletion analysis indicates that a C-terminal region functions in TGN-retention; removal of 10 amino acids from the C-terminus greatly increases the amount of fusion protein that enters nascent vesicles, which bud from the Golgi, but does not affect the half-life of the fusion protein or the ability of cell surface protein to return to the TGN. Because the 10-residue deletion disrupts a casein kinase 2 (CK2) consensus site, the two Thr in this site (TDT) were mutated to either Ala (ADA) or Glu (EDE). Neither mutation has an increased rate of budding from the TGN, although the ADA mutant has a shorter half-life than either the wild type sequence or the EDE mutant. Adaptor protein-1 and -2 bind to most of the deletion mutants, the EDE point mutant, and the CK2-phosphorylated CPD tail, but not to the wild type tail. Taken together, these results suggest that CPD localization to the TGN requires both static retention involving the C-terminal domain and phosphorylation at a CK2 site, which regulates the binding of adaptor proteins.
Keywords:peptide processing  furin  AP‐1  AP‐2
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