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引用本文:王晓爱,陈小勇,杨君兴. 中国金沙江一级支流牛栏江的鱼类区系分析[J]. 动物学研究, 2009, 30(5): 585-592. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1141.2009.05585
作者姓名:王晓爱  陈小勇  杨君兴
作者单位:1. 中国科学院昆明动物研究所,云南,昆明,650223;中国科学院研究生院,北京,100049
2. 中国科学院昆明动物研究所,云南,昆明,650223
摘    要:2006年11月和2008年10月,对云南省牛栏江流域进行考察,共采集到鱼类标本42种,结合历史记录和中国科学院昆明动物研究所鱼类标本馆馆藏的鱼类标本,整理出牛栏江鱼类名录。在剔除引入种的基础上,采用按所含种属的绝对数目进行排序的传统方法和区系存在度方法对目、科、属级水平进行排序,分析牛栏江鱼类区系组成特点。两种方法结果相差甚远,结果显示:在传统排序方法中的优势科属,即一些世界性分布的科和属,在牛栏江分布的种类并不很多,区系存在度相应较低。相反,一些具有地方性分布和小的科和属,其区系存在度相对较大。显然,以区系存在度分析所得结果更能反映牛栏江流域鱼类区系组成特点。两种方法相结合,分析牛栏江的鱼类区系成分,并与金沙江中下游(石鼓至宜宾段)鱼类区系相比较,表现出高度的相似性。

关 键 词:牛栏江;鱼类区系;区系存在度

Ichthyologic Fauna of Niulan River
WANG Xiao-ai,CHEN Xiao-yong,YANG Jun-xing. Ichthyologic Fauna of Niulan River[J]. Zoological Research, 2009, 30(5): 585-592. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1141.2009.05585
Authors:WANG Xiao-ai  CHEN Xiao-yong  YANG Jun-xing
Affiliation:1. Kunming Institute of Zoology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, 650223, China;
2. Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China
Abstract:In Nov 2006 and Oct 2008, members of the Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ) took surveys of fishes in the Niulan River, a tributary of Jinsha River, Yunnan, and collected 42 fish species. According to the historical record and the fish specimens preserved in the collection room of KIZ, there are a total of 59 fish species in Niulan River, which belong to 46 genera, 12 families and 5 orders. Ichthyologic fauna of Niulan River were separately analyzed by traditional sorting method and the Value of Faunal Presence (VFP) method at the respective levels of order, family and genus. Two kinds of different ranking methods get two rather different results. Traditional sorting analysis indicated that some world-distributed families and genera had a small proportion in the Niulan River. On the contrary, the VFP of some endemic families and genera turned out to be relatively high. The families Amblycipitidae and Channidae have two genera and which distribute in Africa and south Asia, with the highest VFP. The genera Jinshaia and Metahomaloptera, which distribute in the Yangtze River, have a VFP of 100%. Pseudogyrinocheilus and Oreias have one species, with a VFP of 100%. The VFP method can reflect better the character of ichthyologic fauna than the traditional sorting method. By combination of these two methods, we analyzed the ichthyologic fauna of Niulan River, and then we compared it with the lower reaches of Jinsha River ichthyologic fauna from Shigu to Yibin, which indicated high comparability.
Keywords:Niulan River  Ichthyologic fauna  Value of faunal presence
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