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An Analysis of Marsupial Interordinal Relationships Based on 12S rRNA, tRNA Valine, 16S rRNA, and Cytochrome b Sequences
Authors:Angela Burk  Michael Westerman  Diana J. Kao  John R. Kavanagh  Mark S. Springer
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biology, University of California, Riverside, California, 92521;(2) Department of Genetics and Human Variation, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria, 3083, Australia
Abstract:The basal split among living marsupials is traditionally placed between the cohorts Ameridelphiaand Australidelphia. Ameridelphia includes all American forms excepting the South AmericanDramicuipx gliroidex (Order Microbiotheria). Australidelphia includes all Australasian taxaplus Dromiciops glinmles. DNA data support Eometatheria Dromiciaps + Diprotodontia +Dasyuromorphia + Notoryctemorphia) but do not resolve the position of bandicoots, whetherwith other australidelphians or with ameridelphians. Also, the most robust molecular trees (DNAhybridization, multigene studies) exhibit minimal branch subdivision and raise the possibility ofartit'actual associations owing to long branch attraction. We analyzed data sets that consistedof complete sequences tor four niitochondrial genes (cytochrome b, 12S rRNA, tRNA valine,16S rRNA). One data set included 14 marsupial taxa. A second data set included 14 marsupialsas well as outgroup sequences (one monolreme; 20 placentals). Phylogenetic analyses includedparsimony, minimum evolution, maximum likelihood, and quartet puzzling. When phylogeneticanalyses were restricted to just the marsupial sequences, there was 75 to 96% boostrap supportfor the separation of Ameridelphia versus Australidelphia. This suggests that either one orboth of these groups are monophyletic. Also, there was 71 to 98% bootstrap support for theseparation of Eometatheria versus Ameridelphia + Peramelina. Nonmonophyly of several a prioriclades was accepted by at least some statistical tests including the following: Diprotodontia+ Peramelina, Notoryctemorphia + Peramelina, Diprotodonlia + Notoryctemorphia, and themonophyly of Australasian marsupials. With the inclusion of outgroup sequences, there wasreduced bootstrap support for associations among marsupial orders and statistical tests failed toreject all interordinal associations that were tested.
Keywords:Metatheria  marsupials  cytochrome b  12S ribosomal RNA  16S ribosomal RNA  systematics
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