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Pedigree analysis for the genetic management of group‐living species
Authors:Belén Jiménez‐Mena  Kristine Schad  Nick Hanna  Robert C. Lacy
Affiliation:1. Bioinformatics Research Centre, Aarhus University, Aarhus C, Denmark;2. AgroParisTech, UMR1313 3. Génétique Animale et Biologie Intégrative, Paris 05, France;4. INRA, UMR1313 5. Génétique animale et Biologie Intégrative, Jouy‐en‐Josas, France;6. European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands;7. Audubon Nature Institute, New Orleans, Louisiana;8. Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield, Illinois
Abstract:Captive breeding programs are an important tool for the conservation of endangered species. These programs are commonly managed using pedigrees containing information about the history of each individual's family, such as breeding pairs and parentage. However, there are some species that are kept in groups where it is hard to distinguish between particular individuals within the group, making it very difficult to record any information at an individual level. Currently, software and methods commonly used for registering and analyzing pedigrees to help manage populations at an individual level are not adequate for managing these group‐living species. Therefore, there is a need to further develop these tools and methodologies for pedigree analysis to better manage group‐living species. PMx is a program used for the management of ex situ populations in zoos and aquariums. We adapted the pedigree analysis method implemented in PMx to analyze pedigrees (records of descendant lineages) of group‐living species. In addition, we developed a group pedigree data entry sheet and group2PMx, a converter program that enables group datasets to be imported into PMx. We show how pedigree analysis of a group‐living species can be used for population management using the studbook of the endangered Texas blind cave salamander Eurycea rathbuni. Such analyses of the pedigree of groups can improve the management of group‐living species in ex situ breeding programs. Firstly, it enables better management decisions based on more accurate genetic measures between groups, allowing for greater control of inbreeding. Secondly, it can improve the conditions in which group‐living species are held by adapting husbandry practices to better reflect conditions of these species living in the wild. The use of the spreadsheet and group2PMx extends the application of PMx, allowing conservation managers and other institutions outside the zoo and aquarium community to easily import and analyze their pedigree data.
Keywords:Conservation genetics     Eurycea rathbuni     ex situ conservation  group management     group2PMx     group‐living organisms  population management  Texas blind cave salamander
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