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Red tide assemblage formation in an estuarine upwelling ecosystem: Ria de Vigo
Authors:Figueiras, F.G.   Jones, K.J.   Mosquera, A.M.   Alvarez-Salgado, X.A.   Edwards, A.   MacDougall, N.
Affiliation:1Natural Environment Research Council Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, PO Box 3, Oban, PA34 4AD, UK Instituto de Investigacins Marinas CSIC, Eduardo Cabello 6, 36208 Vigo, Spain
Abstract:Red tides are conspicuous in the upwelling system of Galicia(NW Iberian Peninsula). At present, there are conflicting hypothesesabout the generation site of these phytoplankton assemblages.It is interesting to know whether the rias can be sites of redtide formation or if they act only as accumulation sites ofpopulations advected from shelf waters. A study in the Ra deVigo, carried out during late September 1990, showed the developmentof a red tide assemblage, composed of Alexandrium affinis, Ceraiiumfusus and Gymnodinium catenaium, during a 2 week upwelling-downwellingcycle. Growth occurred at the bottom of the thermocline-topof the nutricline. Above this assemblage, a diatom assemblage(large diatoms) was blooming. Prior to the formation of thered tide, a subsurface chlorophyll maximum made up of smalldiatoms (Nilzschia f. seriaia, Chaeloceros socialis), smallflagellates (<30 µm) and small gymnodinid forms (<30µm) was observed. In the nutrient-depleted upper layer,several autotrophic and large heterotrophic dinoflagellatesdominated. It is suggested that the ratio between the velocityof upward water movement and the depth of the stratified upperlayer (flushing rate, day–1) is the critical parameterwhich triggers active phytoplankton growth. It can be concludedthat upward water velocities of {small tilde}2.5 m day–1and a stratified upper layer of 10 m depth (flushing rate 0.25day–1) are the main physical constraints for red tidedevelopment.
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