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Leishmania amazonensis exhibits phosphatidylserine-dependent procoagulant activity,a process that is counteracted by sandfly saliva
Authors:Natalia Cadaxo Rochael  Luize Gon?alves Lima  Sandra Maria Pereira de Oliveira  Marcello André Barcinski  Elvira Maria Saraiva  Robson Queiroz Monteiro  Lucia Helena Pinto-da-Silva
Abstract:Leishmania parasites expose phosphatidylserine (PS) on theirsurface, a process that has been associated with regulation of host''s immuneresponses. In this study we demonstrate that PS exposure by metacyclicpromastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis favours bloodcoagulation. L. amazonensis accelerates in vitro coagulation ofhuman plasma. In addition, L. amazonensis supports the assemblyof the prothrombinase complex, thus promoting thrombin formation. This processwas reversed by annexin V which blocks PS binding sites. During blood meal,Lutzomyia longipalpis sandfly inject saliva in the bitesite, which has a series of pharmacologically active compounds that inhibitblood coagulation. Since saliva and parasites are co-injected in the host duringnatural transmission, we evaluated the anticoagulant properties of sandflysaliva in counteracting the procoagulant activity of L.amazonensis . Lu. longipalpis saliva reversesplasma clotting promoted by promastigotes. It also inhibits thrombin formationby the prothrombinase complex assembled either in phosphatidylcholine (PC)/PSvesicles or in L. amazonensis . Sandfly saliva inhibits factorX activation by the intrinsic tenase complex assembled on PC/PS vesicles andblocks factor Xa catalytic activity. Altogether our results show that metacyclicpromastigotes of L. amazonensis are procoagulant due to PSexposure. Notably, this effect is efficiently counteracted by sandflysaliva.
Keywords:sandfly saliva   Leishmania amazonensis   phosphatidylserine   blood coagulation   Lutzomyia longipalpis
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