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Water Relations of the Mistletoe Amyema fitzgeraldii and its Host Acacia acuminata
Abstract:Water relations of the mistletoe Amyema fitzgeraldii and itshost Acacia acuminata were studied near Geraldton, Western Australia.Transpiration rates of host and parasite under unstressed winterconditions varied more than 300–fold between day and nightwhile leaf water potential gradients between the partners remainedwithin the range 0·4–0·6 MPa. Plots of transpirationagainst leaf water potential indicated closely similar fluidphase resistances in host and parasite during daytime but divergentbehaviour at night due to an apparently large increase in resistanceof the haustorial junction between the partners. Data for summerand winter studies across a full range of light intensitiesshowed the parasite to transpire, on average, 1·4 timesfaster and to exhibit noticeably lower water use efficienciesthan its host. Experiments following restorative changes atnight in leaf water potentials of host and parasite on detachedhost branches supplied through their cut ends with water indicatedthat the haustorium offered a major resistance to water uptakeby the parasite. Restoration of leaf water potentials by theparasite lagged markedly behind that of the host, especiallyduring winter, leading to a rapid build up in potential gradientbetween partners. A phase of rapid flow into the parasite thenfollowed, presumably motivated by lowering of the haustorialresistance. Reversal of the potential gradient between hostand parasite was recorded in a night-time study involving abagged (non-transpiring) mistletoe attached to a host branchfrozen at the base to prevent further water uptake. Mechanismsare proposed to account for the apparently highly variable natureof the resistance of the haustorium. Key words: Mistletoe, transpiration, haustorial resistance, Amyema fitzgeraldii, Acacia acuminata
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