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Progress of Gastric Cancer Surgery in the era of Precision Medicine
Authors:Yumin Wang  Luyuan Zhang  Yi Yang  Shan Lu  Hao Chen
Abstract:With the development of genomics, the update of modern imaging technology and the advent of artificial intelligence and big data, the surgical treatment of gastric cancer has gradually stepped into precision medicine. Precision surgery treatment of gastric cancer is based on accurate molecular typing and staging using modern molecular diagnostic technology and imaging, and the formulation of precise and individualized surgical treatment plans, with the concept of minimally invasive and accelerated rehabilitation surgery running through it. For intermediate-stage gastric cancer, we have adopted a comprehensive treatment approach including traditional radiotherapy and chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Utilize artificial intelligence and big data technology to improve the standardization and interconnectivity of specialty data and realize the transformation of evidence-based medicine. Promoting the standardization, standardization and individualization of gastric cancer surgical treatment, providing patients with precise diagnosis and treatment, and further improving patients'' prognosis are the opportunities and challenges in the development of gastric cancer surgery.
Keywords:gastric cancer  surgery  precision medicine  chemotherapy  immunotherapy
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